Teleten Marketing
Ripoff, mortgage leads scam

Shops, Products, Services

In December we gave Teleten Marketing $1,500 for mortgage leads. It is now May and we have yet to see a lead.

We have telephoned, emailed, faxed, left messages and have gotten no response to any of it. The service was excellent until they received our check and then all contact was cut off.

If you do call you will never be given a live person to talk to, you always are given voice mail.

From the number of people that have had this same experience that we have read about I cannot believe we can't put these crooks out of business.

I have contacted the Better Business Burea, the Attorney General's office and CBS News. None of this has gotten us anywhere but we refuse to stop trying. They cannot be allowed to get away with this!!!

Company: Teleten Marketing
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 3250 Wilshire Blvd
Phone: 8005797149
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Teleten Marketing
AKA Precise Marketing RIPOFF, Fraud, Breach of Contract, Teleten Strikes Again!

Teleten Marketing - Tele-ten Marketing - Tele10 Marketing
Ripoff! Breach of contract, nonreturn of funds, non fufillment of duties

Teleten Marketing

Teleten Marketing
Rip Off Teleten Marketing fraudulantly promoted it's services and didn't even deliver any leads after they had cashed my check

Fraudulent Advertising Ripoff

Teleten Marketing
Ripoff! I paid for leads I did not receive!

TeleTen Marketing
Not even close to what they promise

Teleten Marketing
Teleten marketing ripoff wont return calls will not send leads will not give refund

Metro Marketing Mortgage Leads - Teleten Mortgage Leads
That is a rip off - beware

Teleten Marketing
Never provided leads that I paid for ripoff