Dabzone Clothing
Ripoff people off

Shops, Products, Services

Im a retail store owner and i bought from a new wholesaler called dabzone when i recieved my first order it was incorrect 2 out of 4 styles were not what i viewed on there web site and orderd so i immediatly called dabzone and our sales rep was Mauricio he said there was a defenate problem and he would make good on it and he had no excuse why it was wrong. So the trust worthy person i am i placed another order when i recieved this order it wasnt what i orderd at all nor was it the price we agreed upon 'quote during this time there web site was shut done' so again i immediatly called dabzone i had to leave a message and during this time i unpacked the first order and found them to be all iregulars with big yellow stains on them.

I had to call and email several times inoder to get contact with somebody there.in the mean time i contacted my credit card company to press fraud charges against this company. This is still in progress. A few days later Mauricio our so called sales rep called and said i could send back the iregulars for a full refund so i did so and guess what i dint get a full refund they sent me back what i had sent them. This Mauricio had also made personall threats towards me if i called this company back 'huh'apparently he doesnt no who he was threatning. Im waiting for visa to complete there investigation before i no what will happen to these thiefs i will keep everybody posted.

Company: Dabzone Clothing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: North Miami Beach
Address: 15421 West Dixie Hwy
Phone: 3059483439
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