CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff, unauthorized credit card charge, theft

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My husband usually takes care of our Credit Cards. I was looking one day for a charge made awhile back and discovered that for the last 4 months and maybe even longer a company by the name of CIC Credit Monitoring has been chargeing our Credit Card. I cannot believe that my husband did not catch this. I am ticked. I will do my best to make sure the company suffers at least a little bit for taking advantage of me and from what I have read lots of others too. I have never asked for someone to monitor my credit so this company if basically stealing from individuals like me and it is going to stop now!!!

Fairfield, Ohio

Company: CIC Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8002202626
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CIC Credit Monitoring
CIC Credit monitoring rip off credit monitoring. Got credit report and they keep charging Internet

CIC Credit Monitoring
Unauthorized charge Internet

CIC Credit Monitoring
Consumer Info ripoff unauthorized charge

CIC Credit Monitoring Service
Ripoff made an unauthorized charge to our credit card

CIC Credit Monitoring
Unauthorized, fraudulent charges of $9.95 on my credit card from CIC Credit Monitoring Internet

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CIC CREDIT MONITORING Ripoff fraudulent billing crooks

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Ripoff! Nationwide

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