Lollimop's Himalayan Cattery
Lollimop's catttery does not honor replacing kittys sthat die of diseases

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Past Buyer's sharing a warning to new buyer's
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Harriet Cloud of Cloud's Meow

Sharing about Lollimop's Cattery 2/1/05

"In 2002 and 2003 I received 3 kitties total. One with FIP that died, one that tested positive for FeLV, and the third kitten was sick with URI and ringworm but is currently healthy and happy:) Hello... I'd love to check out your site. I have had bad experiences with Melanie Lowry and as an inexperienced breeder, I wasn't sure how to handle it or her, so after many emails and phone calls with her, I finally let it go...

Today I thought I'd Google her name to see if I could find anyone who fallen to her as well.

Unfortunately, I wasn't at all surprised to find more HORRIFIC stories similar to mine. I'm sure there are more out there...

I have not filed any complaints against her and there really isn't anything I would accept as a compromise from Melanie at this point in time... But I would like to help the INNOCENT by letting them know that they should ABSOLUTELY avoid Melanie like the PLAGUE.
My children had a very difficult time and struggled after I received 2 sick kittens from her, 1 which died from FIP and the other which tested positive for FELV... Thank goodness I knew to isolate from my other cats until tested or it could have been much worse...
It looks as if Melanie is an EVIL EVIL person who cares only about money and nothing about her cats or the people/families that she's affected.

I see that she has moved from the house on the hill - I was only allowed to step foot in her living room, but have a feeling that behind her bedroom door there were far more than the 15 cats she allowed me to see in her living room and caged in her tiny kitchen...
I have moved on... But, I would be willing to share my experience on your site. Thank you "K" from AZ"

Sharing about Lollimop's Cattery 2/10/05

"Melanie Lowry is a storyteller who is desperately trying to salvage her reputation, which has been DEVASTATED by her eagerness to sell unhealthy kittens to innocent people.

Melanie's response is a bunch of falsehoods.
If all of Melanie's so called "Facts" were true, then I would've been quite a happy customer, right?!
In fact, if her "Facts" were true, wouldn't I be supporting her instead of this website?

I have nothing to gain by discrediting Melanie. I am embarrassed for her.
She obviously has a problem with reality - she now has 7 separate instances where former customers have been swindled and/or deceived by her.
Could it be a coincidence that we have similar complaints? Doubtful.
And I'm quite certain there are many more customer's with unfortunate stories who haven't yet discovered the P-CBS website.

In sharing my experience I only hope that:

A). Others will come forward and

B). That my story can save at least ONE person from being her next prey.

Following this email I will not respond, refute, or entertain ANY of Melanie's additional STORIES.
I've told the truth as it was. Shame on you, Melanie!
There are MANY notable, reputable breeders who truly CARE about the health and future of their cats and Melanie Lowry is not one of them.
I wish P-CBS the best of luck in your efforts to stop corrupt breeders from taking advantage of the trusting public and from medically neglecting precious kittens!
You ladies are brave and I wish you much success!"
From: K from AZ

Sharing about Lollimop's Cattery taking buyer's $100.00 deposit 3/15/05

"I have read up on the Zizzo and Lolimops information. I have some problems with Lolimops and the way the cattery is run. First of all, if I pay a deposit to a breeder, I danged well better receive something for it. Keeping a deposit without producing a healthy animal is, in my opinion, criminal and should be treated as such. I have dealt with many breeders of cats and dogs in my lifetime and never, not once ever, have I had a breeder keep a deposit. Even the good faith deposit on a piece of real estate is returned if the purchase does not go through. This is common courtesy and good business sense. Anyone not going by this moral guideline should NOT be in business. Furthermore, what I do or don't do with a pet is my business and not the breeder's business. If I want to breed the little tyke when he/she is old enough, then that is between me and my vet, not the breeder. I also highly believe in inspecting a breeder's business area, obtaining information (including vet records) of all pets I am interesting in purchasing including the records of the parents and grandparents and being made aware of any issues with that line upon asking. I want it all in writing and if that is not done, I take my business elsewhere.

Furthermore, if I want to introduce my newly purchased animal to other animals within the household, it is my right and moral thing to do since said animals will be living under the same roof. All my animals have clean bills of health which can be produced at a moments notice because I keep meticulous vet records. If an animal comes to my home and gets sick, the sickness came from somewhere other than my home.

I do not breed animals, never cared to breed them because I believe there are too many in the world today that are unloved. I abhore mills where pets are breed with no specific and permanent home for them. Animals should NOT be breed until each and everyone is accounted for somehow, somewhere.By the same token, customers should not be locked into purchasing and neither should they be blackmailed into purchasing with the threat of refusing to return a deposit. There are most often excellent reasons for not going through with a purchase. If a denial is made then the breeder should figure that it is for the best. If the breeder cannot care for animals breed by him/her if not placed then maybe they should get out of the breeding business.

This is my 2 cents worth on the subject. From what I have heard from all directions of this saga, I wouldn't buy an animal from any of these breeders. The quote of "all breeders have no refund on deposits" is hogwash. I know of several right now that do offer deposit refunds. Myself and several members of my family own (ed) champion breed animals and we have gotten refunds on deposits before. It is NOT standing policy among breeders to not offer refunds when the deal goes sour or something happens where delivery is not possible on either side. Again, I know several breeders quite well that have a standing policy to refund monies on deposits. Several have even offered to take animals back in exchange for another animal if something went wrong with the critter in question. I find this entire saga disheartening and cruel."

Just my two cents worth,
Guest001 and sidewatcher

Sharing about Cat Breeder's taking buyer's deposits & no refunds 3/22/05

""The way in which some breeders demand full deposits without the possibility of refunds is, in my opinion, criminal. I have only had one refund in my life on a pedigree animal. Putting animals on hold for holidays is irresponsible and a practice breeders should abolish as responsible pet owners. Pets are not holiday presents. They are family and as family should be treated as such. Animals are living breathing entities with self awareness who deserve respect.

As to shelters, I have yet to find a "no kill" shelter. Even where I live, some thousand miles away, no "no kill" shelters exist and yes, I have saved many animals from these shelters. If it were up to me, I would limit the number of breeders in this country. Demand is not high enough so this brings about animal mills, which I despise. The limited breeders I deal with limit breeding. They only breed when they are certain each kit or pup will find a safe, loving home. I deal with only quality breeders which I why I have no direct knowledge of this supposed no refund policy. Each quality breeder I deal with has no such policy. Their first concern is the safety of the animal, not the size of the the sales. Therein lies the difference between a quality breeder and one that is say morally questionable."
Guest001 and sidewatcher

Sharing If a breeder is doing nothing wrong... 3/24/05

"If a breeder is doing nothing wrong then they have nothing to fear from any publicity. However, if wrongs are happening then it should make them nervous. The conspiracy theory you shove down everyone's throat is the only drivel on this thread - not me. Ever hear of Occam's Razor or the KISS principle? Occam's Razor states that the simplest solution is the correct one. The KISS principle is: Keep it simple, stupid. Who would believe a conspiracy plot against breeders against the simple truth of morally questionable ethic behavior? I believe there was a problem and maybe it has been corrected. I do not know. What I do know is cages are rattling and the ones that seem to be the most vocal with the denials are highly likely to be the guilty parties. Why else rant and rave? If nothing is wrong, take it easy. Relax already. If you run a top-notch business then you will not lose business. Word of mouth is the best advertisement anyhow. Customers know and customers tell. It is very simple. Keep the customer content and do the right thing. How difficult is that? It is not. One more time... You can climb down off the cross. The wood is needed elsewhere; you are not a martyr."

Guest001 is talking to Nightmareish Verison of Mommy Dearest, Carraig Birmans

Company: Lollimop's Himalayan Cattery
Country: USA
State: California
City: Escondido
Address: 942 Stanely Avenue
  <     >  


Lollimop's Cattery
BUYER'S ABSOLUTELY avoid Lollimop's like the PLAGUE. Ripoff!

PatSquats Cattery
Pat Marshall owner Patsquats Cattery used FIP foundational breeding stock from Melanie Lowry AKA Annie of Lollimops & Catinallity Catteries

Lollimop's Himalayans Persians
Ripoff steals buyer's $100.00 please do NOT buy from this cattery

Lollimops - Annie Westlake -
Lollimops - Annie Westlake = Melanie Lowry of Lollimops has decieved you all

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Meow House Kittens got ripped off from

Catinallity Cattery
Catinallity Cattery The Black Widow of the Cat World

Catinallity Cattery ripped off her good friend
Meow House Kittens

Thought was buying a sofa

Lollimops Cattery
Melanie Lowry selling F.I.P.infected kittys ripoff

Chocolate Persians Kittens For Sale
Chocolate Delights Be forwarned this cat breeder's history is online so everyone can know just the kind of person she is