Prime Television
Prime Television Direct TV Rebate Rip-off

Shops, Products, Services

On october 15 i had direct tv installed in my home. On november 14 i mailed all the requested information to recieve a rebate of $140.00 for installation. Mid january i called customer service at 1-800-395-5899 trying to find out the status of my rebate.

I was told that my request had been approved on 11/24. Due to some bad weather and other problems, my check had yet to be mailed. I should recieve it before the end of the month. At this point i did not record the name of the person i spoke with or the date. On 02/02, i again called customer service at the same number. I spoke with maleak at extension 1505.

His records did not show that i had made any previous calls. He agreed that i should have recieved my rebate. He assured me he would log the communication and send a request to have an over-due check response to when i could expect the check, he said i could call back in a week.

On 02/19 i called back. Following the instructions on the voice mail, i entered x1505. No maleak was there. I redialed and waited for the next customer reprensentative.

I spoke with melva at x1503. No record of any previous calls was entered on the "log". Again i was told that i would be put on the list for over-due checks. At a request for a supervisor or some one to file a customer complaint with, i was informed that no such people existed.

She would take care of the problem. Not satisfied with that response, i typed in prime tv on the seach line of my on-line service. One of the sites listed was this one. I read the avaiable information.

I then called prime tv customer service again. At extension 1503, i left a message for melva, explaining the information i found on the rip off site. I then redialed the number and entered extension 1505.

Maleak answered the extention. I reported the call on feb 19. He found the call and said that there were two different logs. According to maleak, he requested that my check be issued march 8 and melva had requested that it be issued march 22.

Both of this people during our original conversations told me to call back in a week if the check did not come.

Florence, Mississippi

Company: Prime Television
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
Phone: 18003955899
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