Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Scandelous people who knowingly rip off people already in debt

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My fiance and I have been trying to fix my tax debt and credit history these past couple years. She thought that calling the Law Offices of Roni Lynn Deutch would be a great way to save us money so we could get married. Well, we just found out today that this whole thing is a big scam and we could have just as easily dealt with the IRS personally. I have monthly child support that I pay for my two older daughters. We have a 1 year old son, and a baby girl due in April. So needless to say, our bills exceed our monthly income.

They told us in the beginning that it would be a $500.00 settlement to the IRS plus a $2500.00 retaining fee for their services. THEN, our paperwork was filled with false information and they took back the $500.00 settlement and said that we would have to pay over $8000.00 to settle with the IRS. We've done the necessary paperwork and made corrections to the documents with wrong information, only to have them send us more paperwork with even MORE wrong information. We don't know where they are getting this information, but it isn't from us!!! As of now, we are still clients. Is there a way to get our money back?

Company: Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Country: USA
State: California
City: N. Highlands
Address: 4815 Watt Ave
Phone: 8003407267
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Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Roni Lynn Deutch Law Offices took the last money I had ($4,300!) and did nothing to help me!

Roni Lynn Deutch
Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch ripoff, lawsuit filed against the Law Offices of Roni Lynn Deutch and Roni Lynn Deutch, pay the IRS $20, "settle for pennies on the dollar" and "pay the IRS nothing" are false, misleading and deceptive

Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch - Roni Deutch Tax Lawyer
Rip Off Can't Stand the Commercial

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Roni Lynn Deutch robs from consumer to give to Roni Lynn

Roni Lynn Deutch A Tax Corporation
Roni Lynn Deutchroni Lynn Deutch A Tax Corporation dropped like a hot potatoe

Roni Lynn Deutch - Roni Deutch
Roni Lynn Deutch Is An Unprofessional Tax Corporation I gave Roni Deutch Tax Attorney 5000.00 to settle my taxes and I still owe the IRS the same amount, they are a ripoff

Roni Lynn Deutch

Roni Lynn Deutch "tax Attorney" - 888-829-5239
Roni Lynn Deutch Roni Lynn Deutch "tax Attorney" Took my money and ran

Roni Lynn Deutch
Roni lynn deutch stole my money lied about providing service

Roni Lynn Deutch
Law Offices Of ripoff Caused OIC to be rejected twice from the IRS