Inc. Ripoff! They tell you lies to get you do do "slave" work

Shops, Products, Services

This company repairs pallets for a number of companies. When you're hired they tell you that you will make twelve dollars an hour. But every paycheck has been for only $8.00 an hour.

They also tell you that every time your on time and bring your equipment you will get an extra. 50 cents for each one, equaling $1.00 every day. Guess what never seen it. To make a long story short this company sucks, and don't ever work for them!!!

Company: Millwood
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Girard
Address: 986 Tibbets Wick Road
Phone: 8778919663
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Verified Green Coffee
Consumer Report

Gas Up America
Neer pays rebat promised

Millwood Financial Group
Millwood wanted me to send $900 upfront and they would wire $5000 into my account classified as business loan

Millwood Properties, Frontgate, Coppergate, Parkgate, Woodgate Apartments
Millwood Management Millwood Properties, Millwood Properties, Frontgate, Coppergate, Millwood Properties Parkgate, Woodgate Apartments, UNSAFE, Cheap, Apathetic, Scam Artists, Belligerent, Unfriendly, Condescending

Gas Up America
Not compliance

Policy review and complaint - Rates

REI review and complaint - Customer Service

GNC shopping review - Supplements

Philip E. Mazur

Continental Airlines
Reviews - Complaint