Sarl atoll, angela curtis ripoff a con dont pay this lady for her services

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Got the report for the year 2005 in my e-mail but when I attempted to download the attachent there was a built in error in the file. (How convienient.) I attempeted to contact her and after several attempts all e-mails came back undeliverable except for one. She has not replied to me after several more e-mails and I even asked for a new copy of the report being hopeful maybe it was just an error on her part but even then I have not heard from her this was almost a month ago. WHen I tried to find other ways to contact her and did a search on the internet all I came up with was how she was a fraud. So appearantly I have wasted 58.00 american dollars. Shame on me for being trusting. Geesh! I think it is horrible of her to take advantage like that although I admit I played my part and take responsibility and accept the consequences of my actions I still think it is wrong of her. I am broke enough it's not like I or too many other people have money to throw away.

Country: France
City: Langoiran
Address: 1 Route De Bordeaux
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Angela Curtis - Sarl Atoll -
Angela Curtis or Sarl Atoll at is a rip-off!

Angela Curtis, Sarl Atoll, Astro-group
Angela Curtisangela Curtis, Sarl Atoll, Astro-group ripoff, i also never received my personal report that i paid for and what i did receive thru email all my birth info was incorrect

Sarl Atoll Le Tourne FR, Angela Carson,
Sarl Atoll Le Tourne FR, Angela Carson Angela is a thief. Takes the money and delivers nothing. Ripoff

Sarl Atoll-Angela Curtis
Sarl Atoll - Angela Curtis Sarl ripoff

Angela (
Ripoff Internet

Angela Curtis (SARL ATOLL), Intrnic
Angela Curtis SARL ATOLL, Astro-group, Intrnic Angela Curtis SARL ATOLL, intrnicis is a ripoff, debited my credit card and dose not send reading, or replys to emails BEAWARE

Sarl Atoll, - Angela Curtis
SARL ATOLL,, - ANGELA CURTIS SIMPLY A RIP-OFF FROM START TO FINISH - hooks you in, takes your money then does nothing. & Internet

SARL ATOLL — Angela Curtis
Angela Curtis - SARL ATOLLs ripoff, Angela Curtis cheated me by luring me into her SCAM Internet

Sarl Atoll Le Tourne FR, Angela Carson
Sarl Atoll Le Tourne FR, Angela Curtis ripoff

Sarl Atoll, Angela Curtis A Ripoff promise to sent my report 7-9 days. Never received my report, no reply to my emails whatsoever