Checks Unlimited

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered checks from this company using a flyer that was inserted in my local paper. I sent a check for the amount listed in the ad of $11.00

A few weeks days later I an invoice for an additional $30.60

I phoned the company and was told that the offer was only for first time customers. I did not recall ordering checks from this company, but according to their records I ordered checks from them before. I asked to cancel them and she said they have already been shipped and if I don't pay they will turn my bill over to a collection agency. The customer service agent said I could pay my balance by visa and receive a 10% discount (notice on other complaints via consumer complaintss, people were offered 30%). I asked why I was not phoned when there was going to be a change to the price. I know I had to include my phone number on the order, plus my phone number is printed on my checks. She stated that is not their practice because it delays shipment.

I was told I can return the checks but I won't be refunded the original $11.00. Hmmm, other customers via consumer complaints were told they could not return their checks.

I tried to call their President, Steve Berry but was told he is no longer with their company and they would not give me the new President's name or assistant's name. Seems like this company likes to play games with consumers.

I would never order from this company again simply for their shady business practices.

Company: Checks Unlimited
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Phone: 8778373196
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