Neurologist Lisa Lipitz Unnecessary Procedure Leaves Dog Maimed

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For Coral Springs Animal Hospital and all neurologists, be SURE you do not let Coral Springs Animal Hospital do an EMG/Nerve biopsy on your dog.

For many breeds there are genetic marker tests which requires a mere cheek swab and costs only $140 and can tell you if your dog is "affected" by polyneuropathy.

In my case the neurologists at Coral Springs Animal Hospital I was shocked to discover knew about this completely non-invasive option, never disclosed it, assured me that no harm would result from the EMG/Nerve biopsy when I asked, and now I have a dog that was previously in no pain, in great pain that I will have to live through with him for years for absolutely no reason.

When I sent an update and video of my dog's agony (see V=UR4RBP4tf4g&feature=youtu. Be&noredirect=1), Dr. Lisa Lipitz, neurologist at Coral Springs Animal Hospital, she merely reprimanded me for having interrupted her Thanksgiving holiday after waiting 5 days before calling to check on the
patient whose agony she had alone unnecessarily caused.

When I asked Dr. Lisa Lipitz, neurologist at Coral Springs Animal Hospital, to be sure to give this option to her patients forward so no other dogs would ever suffer this fate, she didn't care, didn't plan to change what she was doing going forward and hung up on me.

Reminds one of the Hippocratic Oath which I guess doesn't apply to CSAH: First Do No Harm.

* Response to the Owner where posted (Google, etc.) — their Facebook Page is rigged so you can't read anything negative there — also be sure to see all the filtered Yelp reviews with more horror stories.

What is stated by the Owner is simply untrue as their is excuse is that it is excepted practice not to present the non-invasive option to owners of pets. The neurologist at Coral Springs Animal Hospital, Owner remarkably is either uneducated in the field, sadistic or greedy.

Under no circumstances should it be anyone other than the OWNER'S decision to do a procedure than may severely injure
your pet (without warning of any risk from neurologist at Coral Springs Animal Hospital,) when there are non-invasive options readily available for some breeds (which are also about 1/10 the price).intentional failure to present non-invasive
options is unconsciounable especially when it results in agony to an animal that was in no prior pain as it did with my dog then abandoned by neurologist at Coral Springs Animal Hospital.

The non-invasive genetic testing for Leonbergers are available through the University of Minnesota, for Greyhound as published by the University of Florida ( and for Malamutes via the University of Copenhagen, Department Of Veterinary, Clinical And Animal Sciences, Section Of Genetics, Groennegaardsvej 3 Dk-1870
Frederiksberg C, Denmark (45 35 33 28 28, dir 45 35 33 30 53; minnaj@sund. Ku. Dk, http://www.sund. Ku. Dk).

Also see "The Genetic Connection: A Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs by Lowell Ackerman DVD, DAVCD published by the American Hospital Association Press. All of these discuss and encourage non-invasive procedures primarily and are more than reliable sources.

Feel free to contact me if you need help or more understanding at

I hope that no other animal will suffer this intentional, sadistic behavior in the future.

Company: Coral-Springs-Animal-Hospital
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Springs
Phone: 9547531800
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