Senior People Meet
Last week I mistakenly joined Senior People Meet. I put in my information and clicked submit by error. I did look at the site briefly, but they allow you to do that free anyway. I canceled my account

Shops, Products, Services

Hello, I am filing a complaint on Senior People Meet on line dating site. I filled out the information, but clicked on submit by error. I did look at the site, as one is able to do that free anyway. I read bad reviews on it and canceled my Membership of which I really don't want anyway. Yes, my mistake for clicking submit... But I canceled a couple of hours after signing up. I have e mailed them concerning this matter repeatedly, to no avail. I have requested a credit to my credit card in the amount of $81.93, as I am not using the membership. I had no business being on the site anyway, being that I am a rape victim and should never ever be on an on line dating site. Again, my mistake for peeking because of curiosity. I would like this matter resolved and was hoping that you could/would help me on this one. I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance.

Company: Senior People Meet
Country: USA
Phone: 18667278920
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Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Senior People
Tried to unsubscribe, company will not send my info to do that and am still getting charged via my credit card!

Senior People
Senior People Senior People Meet Money Rip Off Scheme

Hundreds of dollars from my credit card, i only went out with 2 people even though i gave my location they sent me date as far away as russia and most location far from mine, i am a vet my wife died

Senior Marketing
Unethical solicitation of senior citizens

Senior Marketing
Medicare plan, congratulations, you qualify

Zencon Technologies - Senior Black People Meet - People Media
PMB#417 Pay by Check for one time dating service and the bank information used f / automatic renewal f/2 additional periods

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Misrepresentation of service, All they do is forward profiles form

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Fraudulent free trial billing Internet