Americas elite media
Scammer media

Shops, Products, Services

As i was scammed into signing up for a magazine company i suddenly get varies calls from different companys that claim i have been signed up with or hold an account to there magazine subscribtion. As i claim to them i had already had a company and not looking for magazines. They seemed to obtain general infroamtion such as age, address, occupation and seem to be reading of a scriped. They recorded partial information and when i continued to ask question they seemed to contiunely repeat from the scriped. The fact that i never signed any subscribtion and obtained my number was a bit alarming. The worst part is that when i was charge 49.99 on 10/1 i call and made my claim that i didnt want any kind of services and that i dont know how they got my number and infromation but i wasn't in need of any type of service. They keep trying to get me to agree to change payments or a cancelng fee of 400 dollars. It seem they try to intemdiate you to pay for a unwant services. I call again and they claim and threaten to call the collection attonerny and would be impacting my credict. This type of service seemed to be illgeal as they attempt to pull money out of hard working people but suckering them to pay. Im from california these harassing calls are becoming very bother some and not sure what to do about this scam

Company: Americas elite media
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 1800 S Sheridan Blvd Ste 107
Phone: 18006610619
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S Media Elite Magazines Americas Elite Magazine Telemarketing Magazine Fraud

American Elite Media
Readers Serices Scam magazine subscrptions

American Elite Media
Sun Pacific Readers Service Scammers Extrodinaire

America's Elite Media

Consolidated Media Services
Ripoff dishonest, didn, t give all the information in the first phone call

Consolidated media services
Ripped off and lied to

America's Elite Media
Magazine Scam

Consolidated Media Services
Ripoff Scam Artists

Media Outsourcing
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud trying to con me again Nationwide Nationwide

Consolidated Media Services
Fraudulant billing sending collections notices & agencies to my home dirty ripoff liars SOB's