Day of Dreams
Fraudulent Advertising

Religion, Society, Culture

This individual misleads the general public by declaring to be always a Justice of the Peace approved to marry partners. Reality: work of justice of the peace was eliminated in 1962, efficient in 1964. You will find NO Justices of the Peace within the State-Of Illinois


Company: Day of Dreams
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
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Chicago Justice of the Peace
Fraudulent Claim

Underthings - Kay Cowles
Lied to me, grossly overcharged me, & refused to speak with myself, Aetna Ins., the Better Business Bureau, & the Justice of the Peace

Peace of Mind Movers
Peace of mind relocation, peace of mind movers inc, peace of mind relocation inc Rip-Off, Scam, Fraud, Anything but Peace of Mind

Chris Tinney
Spread Peace Reno, Spread Peace Cafe, Spread Peace Foundation Fraudulent non-profit, MLM artist, lies

H&R Block
Peace of Mind Big Ripoff

Stitch in Peace
NeverEnoughYarn Stitch in Peace/Never Enough Yarn, ebay store, Seller has not paid me for my merchandise they sold at auction, Franklin, Indiana

Stitch In Peace/Never Enough Yarn
Ebay seller has not paid me for the merchandise they sold for me at their Ebay auction site

Churchill County Justice Court - Daniel P. WardChurchill
Daniel P. WardChurchill County Justice Court? Rip-off unethical political corruption Not a real Judge! Ripoff Judge Ward's decisions go in the favor of businesses

The Results Group
Civil judgement entered with punitive damages ripoff

Stitch In Peace / Neverenoughyarn
Barb Glassburn, eBay consignment seller owes me money for items sold on my behalf