Marsk Music
Flemming Christensen Fraud & Extortion Ribe

Recreation & Entertainment

Marsk Music is a company involved in promotion and management of artists in the music industry. They plan and arrange tours in EU for artists. Marsk Music has lied about offers from venues in order to extort money from the artist I manage in the USA. After a recent tour in Scandinavia, I found out that the venues paid the promoter 50-67% over what I was told the offers were. Marsk Music charged excessive commissions and expenses out of the artist's low pay, then kept thousands of US dollars over what my artist was paid. We believe these funds are being taken in an effort to evade paying Denmark's high tax rate. We also found that several of the venues are involved in this conspiracy, taking a cut of the money stolen from the artists. This has been reported to the Danish Tax Authority and to the Danish police, but so far, nothing has happened to the company/owner. He uses his tax free income that he steals from his artists to buy Ferrari's and vintage sports cars. I uncovered a major tax evasion conspiracy in Denmark in which Marsk Music uses artists to steal, not only from the artists themselves, but from the Danish government. We are hoping justice will prevail eventually. This company has stolen/extorted at least $100,000 from my artist alone. He has over 50 artists on his website roster. That is a lot of money! So far, most people just think we are disgruntled and insane, but with 2 conflicting invoices for the last tour, neither being correct, it is not only suspicious but criminal.

Company: Marsk Music
Country: USA
Address: Farup Kirkevej 27
Phone: 75421758
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Scam, membership, music industry, music professionals, songwriter, producer, manager, tour, music180, feedback, aspiring artist, singer, musician

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