Screen Actors Guild
SAG Connived to Double Membership Dues!

Recreation & Entertainment

The staff of the Screen Actors Guild has conspired to DOUBLE the cost of annual dues for its members! This, without any notification or input from membership. To fund the high cost of the recent SAG-Aftra merger and other activities reminiscent of the GAO accounting office scandal, the elected leadership of SAG and their paid minions have worked behind closed doors to fleece the membership. Call or write them to protest this blatant grab for your wallet!

Company: Screen Actors Guild
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 5757 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor
Phone: 3239541600
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Network International Models & Talent
Patrik Simpson Scam!

Hollywood Operatign System, Extras Casting Guild deceptive advertising, fraudulent postings, spam Ripoff

The Casting Room
Modeling Agency actors & models fraudulent ripoff business, rip-off scam liars, tricked and lied to us, victimized many consumers, screwed others too, ripoff deception, dirty SOB's, ripoff business from hell

Casting Networks, Inc "" "" RIP OFF HUGE SCAM Internet

Starbiz Talent - Starbiz Entertainment
Mislead, ripoff

European Lottery Guild
Consumer Report

Coast To Coast / Go Grand Getaways
Consumer Report
Gw2 gold

GUild Group
GUIld Group ripoff

In The Moment Acting studio
Is a "total scam"