Playground Orange County Gary Spatz
New Scam Alert For Parents

Recreation & Entertainment

LETS DO TALK THE PLAYGROUND I can help with this subject. I actually worked for this company as a salesman for awhile until I found out what was really going on. It made me sick and this place is a RIPOFF!

First, Eric Rottman is the real owner. I have met him several times and he runs the whole operation. He keeps a very low profile because of his past acting scams that were shut down. He put the company in Garys name to avoid his past. Eric and
Gary would brag about how they are smarter than the law makers and law enforcement by getting around the new laws. And I guess at least this far they are right.

It all starts with the scouts. They are paid a commission of $50 and more for every parent they can get to show up. Thats why you always see them at the tryout checking you off the list. They want to make sure they get paid. They too will say anything to get you to show up and of course they will never tell you about the costs. The company says they have
no control over what the scouts say. How ridicules, Eric pays the scouts and trains them what to say! Some of them make a couple of thousand dollars a week and being honest would not be in their best interest. They are out at the malls and stores every day and are instructed to hand out cards only to people who look like they can afford classes. It has nothing to do with a Childs look or talent.
(Sorry parents)

This is a phony audition, just designed to get the kids pumped up. They read a 20 second commercial and then youre off to meet one of the salesmen. At this part, we were told to get the kids excited about doing commercials and to ask the parents a few questions to see if they were a good candidate to scam. If a parent says, they know an agent or have experience in the business they usually wont get a call back. Eric and Gary are looking for the easy suckers. Once the audition is over the leads are divided up and given to the sales team to start calling back. Once again, it has nothing to do with the talent of your child. It has everything to do with the look of the parents checkbook.

lets talk money.
When I worked for them, they had weeks were they brought in $250.000 gross sales. Yep, in one week! The salesmen are paid a commission on every sale. You start at 10% and the more sales you make the higher the commission.
There are a couple of guys there one named Mike, who makes 4 to 5 thousand dollars a week. He is the guy who the previous posteris referring to as being their salesman. They could care less about you or your child, its all about the money! Eric would call in every day to check on us salesmen to see how many sales we had and what our numbers
were. He put a lot of pressure on us to do or say whatever it took to get the parent to sign up.

They will tell you that your kid has a great look and a lot of potential but, needs training. Then of course the hard sell begins and they do not want you to go home and think about it. It gives you too much time to check them out and talk to others. They want to get your kid so excited that you will be forced to make a decision immediately. They do pitch you can
cancel after a couple of weeks if your child does not like it. Here is the catch, they make sure for the first few weeks that your child has a good time and lets face it, they are children and dont really understand that they have been used. Its so sad.

Yes, these are mostly fake! Eric pays a person who does nothing but trys hides all the bad postings. Thats why anytime someone posts a negative review here or elsewhere there is always a response within a day or less. As the poster above states, they bribe parents to post good things about them also. And when that does not work, they simple make their own phony reviews. They have had to change the names couple of times and now that all these people including myself have posted, they will change it again. Its always just slightly different so its not too obvious. Gary Spatz the Playground The Playground Los Angeles, you get the point. It also appears that they are now moving to Orange County. We should lookout for The Playground Orange County!

No of course they are going to respond by saying I'm a competitor or someone who has never worked for them, what else can they really say. But, if any of this sounds like what you have been through, than run!

I hope this will provide a little more information on this place and what their true motives are. Save your money and find a real acting coach. There are many good companies who dont have to lie and cheat to get your business.

Company: Playground Orange County Gary Spatz
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
Address: South Coast Plaza
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