Pioneer La
Pioneerla scam

Recreation & Entertainment

Pioneerla / Pioneer LA is a SCAM.

I applied onlined and they called me for an interview in their CULVER CITY office.

They call you and tell you to 'come in for an interview. Remember to dress professionally.'
They say the statement above to give the "appearance" of being a professional company, but trust me, it's just an act. This is the first RED FLAG!

I show up at the office for my appointment. While I am filling out my one page form, FOUR girls come in during the course of 5 minutes and say that they are also there for their appointment. I'm thinking: How many people were scheduled for the same time as me? Another RED FLAG!

I eventually meet Jennifer Fubros in her office. Her office is just that - desk, chair - nothing else. Offices, like homes, are normally lived in, with lots of stuff. Hers is almost vacant except for the chair and desk. This is another RED FLAG! Scam companies have very little office furniture. They can pack the office up and be out of there in an afternoon if they wanted to.

She then proceeds to tell me "do you mind standing for long hours?" "Are you comfortable in front of large crowds?" "Have you ever sold anything?" I have been doing promotions for several years. She didn't even have the decency to READ MY FREAKIN' RESUME! All the questions above is EVERYTHING I have been doing for the past several years.

Why was she asking me these stupid questions? It's all part of the ruse - give 'Interviews' to people to make them think that they are part of a PROCESS.

I leave the interview, and that afternoon I receive a congratulatory phone call that I have been selected to go to the next phase. Red flag. Once again, this is part of the PROCESS - to make you FEEL as though you are ADVANCING to something.

I was scheduled to go to a Costco the following day. I go to the Costco and meet Megan Roche, manager of Costco food roadshow. Megan also works for Pioneer LA. She's 23, young, and very gullible. She has fallen, head over heels, for the Pioneer scam. She talks about direct marketing and indirect marketing like it's a business school. She talks about the "five points of how to sell to people." I'm like WHAT? This is a freakin' Costco roadshow. Just sell that darn product. That's it.

Megan has been indoctrinated with the Scam of Pioneer LA. (this is actually how brain washing works for cults) Because she is young, she is inexperienced in the process of success. She believes that her 'managerial' role in Pioneer will take her places in life. It won't, but she FIRMLY believes that her 'hard work' will prove that she has what it takes.

Megan, if you are reading this, you are smart, and cute, and intelligent - but Pioneer LA is USING YOU for cheap labor.

They pay their workers $8 an hour OR 10% of the days sales. Needless to say, I figured the SCAM quick.

They even have Megan going to the office for pep rally, high-five, go-get-em meetings in the morning BEFORE she has to work a 14 hour day at Costco. Of course Megan, so deeply under their influence, believes that this is a part of 'corporate culture' and that by participating she is part of the Pioneer LA team. It is a psychological trick played by scam companies to retain 'good' workers who follow their instruction. We all yearn to be a part of SOMETHING. Pioneer LA knows this, and uses this to keep you working for NEXT TO NOTHING WAGE!

What is the SCAM - they pay minimum wage for jobs that they charge their CLIENTS alot more for. The SCAM is that they need to keep bringing in fresh workers in order to keep paying minimum wage for hours that can exceed 14. No one reliable would ever do jobs at this length.By creating a fake professional environment, they are able to have educated, young workers work for little to no money at jobs no one would ever commit to for so little pay. Sooner or later, their workers get wise, and they need to replace them quickly in order to keep their few clients happy.

Of course, if you confront them with any of the above statements, they'll say something like: "Well, if you don't want to work hard in life, you'll never succeed. If you're scared of hard work, this isn't for you. Because successful people work hard for their success."

Pioneer LA just wants young, dumb, cheap labor. All of you just out of school - watch out! They know that you're young and naieve, and will take advantage of this with long hours for minimum wage.

There is NO advancement, no matter what they tell you. Once you question them, you will be considered 'insubordinate' and be terminated. Obviously, you are going to get wise to their scam eventually.

Spread the word. I am certain that they will change their name in the future (if they haven't already) and I am certain that they will move their office soon.

Keep looking for legitimate jobs - temporary or otherwise. They're out there!


Company: Pioneer La
Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
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