Jessie Gasior
Justin Mastasalo posed as having Broadway tickets for sale and never gave the tickets western unioned the money

Recreation & Entertainment

Claimed had broadway tickets for sale were a wedding gift from and uncle Western Unioned the money to a Justin Mastasalo Tricked me into putting a test question as well so he didn't have to show Id took the money said his uncle changed the seats. Was in Ny up until show time the box office felt so bad checked the seat to confirm they were taken and still email me saying he is going to pay me back

Company: Jessie Gasior
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburg
Address: pittsburg pa
Phone: 4128070097
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Jacob Maloney AKA Justin
Consumer Report

Tickets in Time
Sold fake concert seats not yet on sale at 380% mark-up

Applause Tickets - Theater And Entertainment Services
Bait and Switch. They confirmed Broadway ticket purchase, when already sold out. Conveniently had great seats for lesser Broadway show. Ripoff
I got tickets to Book of Mormon on Broadway!

Justin Gaborre
Consumer Report

James Gissire
James Gardun, Justin Gardun, James Garbun, Justin Garbun CON ARTIST! - Claims to have tickets

Jesse Ramonez 412-807-0097
Consumer Report

Tickets in Time or
Consumer Report

Tickets In Time Double Sold Tickets

Tickets in Time