Being charged 9.95 per month for service which i didn't order nor do i use

Recreation & Entertainment

I had ordered a movie, probally a year ago, from BBV hotmovie sales and since then my credit card is being charged $9.95 per month. I haven't ordered anything from them except the one time, I did not sign up for this service and have been unable to contact them by phone, e-mail or physical address to cancel this monthly deduction.

Company: Bbvhotmovies
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 8665668437
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Consumer Report

Bbv Hotmoviesales
What a RIP OFF

Bbvhotmovies unwanted credit charges, stealing from credit card internet
Consumer Report

Smart Savings Center
Ordered a $. 25 movie with a small shipping charge, no contract signed, no movie received, only a $12 monthly charge

Hot Movie Sales
Unauthorized Charges
Charged my credit card for months for a movie never ordered, never did business with them
I ordered on line, they doubled my order and doubled (more then doubled) the price, their is no way to cancel the order or review the order for accuracy, This is arip off! The order should have been

SH Dr. Mindells Life Extension
Earl Mindell I was signed up for auto monthly shipments I didn't order-when I placed the Life Extension order

Scooter Movies Shop
Charged My Account! Order Number Accquired. No movie shipped!