Loving The Classics
Dishonest, deceitful and fraudulent

Recreation & Entertainment

Loving the classics does not reply to their e-mails. They have no contact telephone number. They do not tell where they are located and cheat their customers out of money. I ordered a couple of movies that I knew were not public domain and knew that they were not available because of pending litigation. I was hoping they indeed had the product. After waiting over a month and endless e-mails to them, I never received one answer. I called my credit card company. They are investigating the company. I called the Federal trade commission and they have started an investigation.
Loving the Classics had all of their movies listed as "available". It's obvious that they have never been available and that these criminals at Loving the Classics are misleading the public.
My advice to anyone that sends their money to these people, kiss it goodbye. If you receive a VHS or DVD of the movie it will be defective or it will have been taken from an on air broadcast, recorded on VHS many years ago with quality so bad, you can't watch it...
Again, Do not buy from these crooks. They are running a scam. You will be dealing with someone who is out to steal your money.

Gold, California

Company: Loving The Classics
Country: USA
Site: ewebcart.com
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Loving the Classics
Loving the Classics - Are You Legitimate? I May Have Been Had!

Loving the Classics
Never delivered DVD, never responded to email

Loving The Classics
I ordered 4 DVD's - Terrible quality, visually & audio - every DVD froze half way through and 1 won't play at all!

Loving the Classics
Took my money, never sent product

Loving the Classics
No delivery, No reaction after e-mail, Empty Promisses, Fraud, Cheat, Deception

Loving the Classics
No delivery, No reaction after e-mail, Empty Promisses, Fraud, Cheat, Deception

Disney Channel


Future Classics

MovieTicketPlus-Film Classics
Uy movie