Vine studio LLC
Gino Cabanas took my money and keep asking me to send more money and promised to pay back and never did he is a scam, he takes people money for investment and uses it for his own personal satisfaction, Santa Monica, New york

Recreation & Entertainment

Gino cabanas is the biggest scam there is. He took my money for investment and i latter discovered that he has disconnected all phone numbers and he has took down all his websites and his email is even not working. These guys with the Vine Studio is definitly a ripoff. Gino lied to me like he cared for me as a friend and i found out he is not only a sociopath but he is a compulsive liar. None of his investment opportunities are valid. He kept asking me to wire him more money and he promised me he had an investor that would invest big for his show and i kept calling him to get a wire of my money back he promised that he would send my money back and he never did. Gino is actually a big scam. Everything he told me has added up to be a lie, he first said he had no kids then i found out from a neutral friend that he has two kids then he lied and told me both kids were his nieces then he told me to loan him 500.00 to fly back to los angeles and that he would send me my money back he never did.

It looks like gino lost one of his homes, and he cons people and make people believe that what he has to say is real. My investment money has went to waste I lost 5,000 dollars and i really needed my money. Gino has lied to me, he made me believe that he was a person that was nice and caring and he actually has no emotions, he goes around on craigslist posting faking ads trying to meet young women that he can lure then he tells me he is single i dont know if that is true but everything else is a lie. He is a con man and i lost 5,000 dollars investing in the Work of Genuis show. Gino said this show was brought out by fox and to find out the date kept changing first he said it was going to air in January, now its pushed out all the way to august i dont know what to do. I am going to hire an attorney and sue gino or put him behind bars, he is a low life scum that doesnt deserve to be around normal people he has a serious mental disorder.

Company: Vine studio LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 35 hibiscus drive, south Beach miami
Phone: 3104672503
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Work of Genius
Gino Cabanas is a big scam, he is a compulsive liar, a sociopath and a thief

Gino cabanas
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