Bellinger Global Incorporated
Beauti inc productions, neeyah modeling agency, one media entertainment huge scam, liar lives in the projects with his grandmother, preys on innocent people off the internet promise to pay but an excuse every pay day!

Recreation & Entertainment

I received a invite on model may hem march of 09 for a company called Beauti inc that invite it told models that they had to upload picture to another website and if they were excepted a rep from the company would call you and they would set up your meet in greet. All expensis paid. The person that notified me name was millian phillips the person that called me was Bernard D Bellinger. He told that my schedule date to come to Miami was may 4th of 09 and that i had to take a week off for the trip. Which i did. When it came around to me leaving i didn't hear from him until after that date and i called like crazy. The way i got him to call me was to leave a message saying that somebody wrote something bad about him on the internet. He explained to me that, that model was mad and thats the reason for her comments. Anyway
Bernard became close to me and we talked about the world he offered me not only my exclusive contract as a model but another one as his personal assistant. The model contract was 1000.00 a week and the other was 900.00 a week. I ask him several times because that was a huge amount of money to be giving he said to me that he owned other companies and he had a trucking company called BELLINGER EXPRESS. That paid for the expenses on the modeling company. So Bernard sent me a ticket for jun 19th 09 for me to come to Miami but when i got my ticket it said Orlando. You know what long story short. When i got to Orlando i met this girl name Monique Barksdale and another girl name Bianca we stayed in the intown suites which was a trucker hotel and we stayed there almost 3 our journey in Florida waiting on our pay we became homeless. Calling home everyday for survival. It messed my life up and i lost a lot my house car and love life. There is only so much that i can write on here but i can tell you the whole story if you call me Candice (oh and he's on probation for writing a huge ficticious check at the age of 21)
*im looking for people that wants to file a civil suit please call me*

Company: Bellinger Global Incorporated
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami - dade
Address: 19105 SW 112TH PLACE MIAMI-DADE FL
Phone: 18886020267
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Bellinger Global Incorporated
Bernard bellinger incorporated anything to do with bernard bellinger beauti inc productions scam, liar, looking for love, and a broke man that actually lives with his grandmother

Bellinger Global Incorporated
Bernard Bellinger A company that charges you $50.00 and advises your being paid and always finds a excuses why your not receiving your pay

Bellinger Global Inc. Bellinger Financial
Bellinger Global Inc., Bellinger Financial, Benard Bellinger, Miami Florida, Bellinger Global Financial

Bellinger Global Incorporated
Bellinger Media Group, Bellinger Financial Service, Media One Entertainment Bernard Bellinger is low life scum who preys on good people

Bernard Bellinger, Bellinger Media Group
Bernard Bellinger - Bellinger Media Group - Bellinger Financial Services - Media One Entertainment BIG time scam artist - DO NOT WORK for this man!

Model Productions Modeling Agency
Model Productiong Modeling Agency Rip off! All they do is take your money! ATL, & MIAMI Florida

David Manna Photography
GMA Promises of getting rich and famous as Model, but that's what he tells everybody

Ripoff scam

Chromazone Model Management
Internet scam

P Models (Prodigy Model Management)
P Models Model Agency Rip Off