Stubhub Ripped off and scammed by StubHub system and buyers

Recreation & Entertainment

I was ripped off by the StubHub system. Despite their Seller guarantee, the sellers such as myself get screwed in a big way because only really buyers are protected.
I listed my concert tickets for sale on 1/10/10. They were supposedly purchased on 1/11/10. I confirmed the sale and put the tickets in the fedex envelope and attached the pre-printed fedex shipping label as instructed. I dropped off everything the next day at a local fedex on 1/12/10. Apparently, on 1/14/10, when the fedex package arrived, the buyers claimed nothing was inside.
I was immediately contacted by StubHub representatives who proceeded to treat me like I was a shyster and criminal for not performing when I kept explaining that I did send the tickets. They would not hear it and said that the buyers had no reason to lie. I explained to them that they did because they get to keep my tickets for free and then StubHub will find them replacement tickets at my expense. I tried every recourse I could and tried to reason with StubHub as much as I could but to no avail. StubHub could care less. Now I am out almost $350 and I do not get to go to the concert.
The whole StubHub system can easily be scammed so I would be very wary about using it. Your interests as the seller are NOT protected in the fact, as the seller, you have to foot the bill to pay for replacement cost of tickets to the buyer. So not only are you victimized by losing out on money for the tickets you bought and by losing the tickets altogether, but you have to pay for replacement tickets for the buyer. What an unfair system to the sellers!!

Company: Stubhub
Country: USA
Address: 199 Fremont Street, Suite 300
Phone: 8667882482
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Stub Hub
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