Demetrius Blankenship
Amanisanaa entertainment investment fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, breach of contract

Recreation & Entertainment

Demtrius Blankenship should be arrested for impersonating a businessman (among other things too!) I invested over $1000 dollars for a concert that was scheduled to take place in April featuring a performance by a Major Recording Artist of whom Demetrius Blankenship and Amanisannaa Entertainment claimed to be affiliated with. I was given a signed contract with the Record Label's trademarked logo and the signatures of Mr. Blankenship and the Artist's Manager for a performance on a specific date.
As the date of the event approached Mr. Blankenship lied to me about the reasons why we couldn't have the show at the scheduled date and informed me that it would be rescheduled. I later found out by contacting the Record Label myself that the aforementioned contract was forged and that the Artist's Management never received any of the monies that Mr. Blankenship claimed to have paid for the Artist's fee for performing. They apologized that this had happened and I was also told by them that Mr. Blankenship had ran the same exact scheme on 3 other individuals in the state of Alabama, because they [the Recording Artist's Management team] had received several calls and emails from other people who where also victims.
I took it upon myself to start investigating this whole entire situation and I was able to get in contact with some of the other people whose money was also stolen. Just for that one event alone, Mr. Blankenship took over $8,000 from people, promising them a great return on their individual investments as the overhead costs would be around 1/4 of the estimated income received from selling tickets. Again, he each person that he scammed did not know that there where other parties involved and the profits would be split 50/50.
As I asked time and time again for my money to be returned, Mr. Blankenship constantly dodged my phone calls and told me that his company's alledged CFO, Bernadette Early, would issue me a check for the money that I invested plus interest. To this day, I have not received my money back and I'm know that Mr. Blankenship and Ms. Early are still commuicating, and that he is still running simliar scams and conning people out of there money by getting them to "invest" in events.
AVOID this person and his company at all costs! He will sell you a dream and make you think that his "company" has been sucessful at marketing events and promoting night clubs and other venues, but everyone whom I've contacted about him has had nothing but NEGATIVE things to say. As a matter of fact, there are dozens of other people in Alabama, Georgia, Texas, and other places whom he still owes money to for services such as: graphic design, venue promotion, and other "investments". His so-called "CFO", Bernadette Early, is also in on the schemes because she is aware of what he is doing. Demetrius Blankenship is a Con-Artist and I dare him to say otherwise! Anybody else who know's him or has a similiar experience with him or any of his "businesses" please feel free to comment.

Company: Demetrius Blankenship
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Birmingham
Address: 4032 Guilford Road
Phone: 4049034519
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