Krome Model Management
Modeling scam

Recreation & Entertainment

I worked a few jobs for Rob and Jeff. I've seen other similar reports on this website. I went to get payment for the first job I worked and they handed me an invoice saying all of the money I made was used for messenger fees and other various expenses. I was assured this wouldn't be the case with all future jobs. When I tried to get paid for future jobs, they simply stopped returning my calls and would not answer the door at their residence WAY up town. I eventually gave up because the few hundred dollars wasn't worth my time but I have a very sour taste in my mouth towards both Rob and Jeff - very sleazy people. I would like to know that other people won't be taken advantage of this way. I'm chalking the experience up to - you live, you learn, as I don't expect to ever get my money - but I would like to do what I can to assure they don't make money in this dishonest way.

Company: Krome Model Management
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Phone: 2129272492
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Krome Model Management

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