Justin Choquette
Photograghy, don't trust this male cage fighter con artist

Recreation & Entertainment

My name is Sara C. From the Augusta GA area. Recently a photogragher named Justin Choquette took pictures of me in Augusta Ga. He charged me for these photograghs and then left town without me receiving my pictures. I called the agency and they said they had no information for me on Justin and said they would take care of everything for me by re-shooting my pictures for me at no charge, Which was extremely nice of them just for the fact that i paid my money to Justin. I did some research on him and found out that he is an ex-cage fighter as well as he used to work at an all male strip club and only had been representing the company for two short months. I hope the agency he works for will do a better background check on the photograghers they recomend next time.

Please if anyone hears of this guy named Justin Choquette please tell him he took my little girls dreams as well as hundreds of others here in the Augusta area and ran out of town with our money. Please help this never happen again, If you know this Con-Artist then please turn him in to the authorities and get all of these children what they paid him for. Thanks so much Sara C.

fort lauderdale, Florida

Company: Justin Choquette
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Kennesaw
Address: 3809 Chickon Rd
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