Ggw/m.R. A. Video
Ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent billing fraudulent ripoff business

Recreation & Entertainment

Placed 1 order with this company. Did not request additional CD's, however, they are now coming in the mail and I am gettin billed automatically.

I cannot reach this company to cancel and am fed up.
This company needs to be put out of business and money should be refunded.

Countryside, Illinois

Company: Ggw/m.R. A. Video
Country: USA
State: California
Address: PO BOX 9231
  <     >  


Video Professor
Video Professor Ripoff Dishonest Fraudulent Billing

Ggw/m.R. A. Video
GGW/MRA VIDEO is a fraudulent billing ripoff

Mra Video
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Video Professor
Ripoff fraudulent billing ripoff

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MRA Video
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