Entertainment Rewards
Ticketmaster ripoff, credit card theft, ticketmaster, fraud, collusions, tying

Recreation & Entertainment

As evidenced by a quick online search for "Entertainment Rewards, " the said company has been regularly engaging in the practice of obtaining individuals' credit card information by illegal means, and then charging these individuals. Specifically, with regard to the situation that I experienced:

I purchased tickets, through Ticketmaster.com, to attend the Pearl Jam concert in Hartford, CT on May 13. I purchased the tickets with my Visa check card and was charged the appropriate amount for the tickets and taxes.

When I purchased the tickets I never agreed to any other terms of sale other than those specific to my intention to buy the aforementioned concert tickets.in addition, I never agreed to receive and promotional mail or subject myself to any promotional offer at the time of the purchase.

Approximately one-two months after the ticket purchase I noticed that my checking account, via my Visa check card, had been debited in the amount of $9.00 for an "E-Book" provided by Entertainment Rewards located in Troy Michigan. Being certain that I never agreed to any such purchase, I contacted Entertainment Rewards at their corporate headquarters through the number listed on the website.

I spoke with a Customer Service representative for Entertainment rewards, and expressed my concern about the charge to my account. The representative proceeded to tell me that when I purchased my tickets, I agreed to a promotional deal that would allow me to get a discount on my next Ticketmaster purchase.

She further explained that the "deal" was free for the first month and if not cancelled, resulted in a monthly charge of $9.00. She confirmed that the $9.00 charge to my account corresponded to the aforementioned agreement. I explained that I had never authorized Ticketmaster to give my credit card information to Entertainment Rewards, had never received any notification from said company to inform me that they would begin charging my account, and had never received anything constituting an "e-book" as my bank account statement alleged purchasing.

I was referred to a manager. The manager informed me that although the charge to my account was by Entertainment Rewards, they could not answer my question regarding how I authorized them to debit my account. She informed me thus that questions of this nature were to be referred to Ticketmaster, and she assured me that she would transfer me to the appropriate Ticketmaster representative.

Prior to agreeing to transfer me to Ticketmaster, the Entertainment Rewards manager informed me that she could not answer the question because they were affiliated with Ticketmaster. I was put on hold, only to be transferred to the original menu for Entertainment Rewards.

Ticketmaster and Entertainment Rewards are clearly running a dishonest and unethical business enterprise regarding at least the situation as set forth above. I would delighted to hear a response from Ticketmaster or Entertainment rewards to any of the following, as I am entitled:
(1) As mentioned, I never authorized Ticketmaster to charge my account for any good or service other than the specific concert tickets referred to above. However, I was charged by Entertainment Rewards for services other than concert tickets. According to the managing representative at Entertainment Rewards, only Ticketmaster, its affiliate could answer my question.
(2) I was informed by Ticketmaster that my credit card information would be treated with privacy and solely for the purposes that I had authorized. Ticketmaster proceeded to give this sensitive information to its affiliate without my prior consent.
(3) Even if I had consented to the alleged promotion, which I did not, I received no documentation of the arrangement that I had allegedly established with Entertainment Rewards, and furthermore received no account information, E-Book, or instruction that could be possibly construed as being any substance resulting from my monthly payment of $9.00.
(4) As I never consented to purchase the alleged "E-Book" from Entertainment Rewards, is not this an example of 'tying' on behalf of Ticketmaster? I had agreed to purchase the tickets, but as a result was forced enter into the agreement with Entertainment Rewards in the amount of $9/mo. For goods and/or services that were not even rendered.

Finally, Entertainment Rewards and its affiliate company Ticketmaster have displayed through their actions that they operate on principles of gross dishonesty and in complete disregard of their customers' best interest. Their service is such that even a CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER could not explain to me why I was being charged $9 in connection with a good/service that I did not agree to purchase. It seems to me that any company that enjoys financial benefits due to purchases by customers should at least be aware where their money is coming from.

Anyone who reads this, please feel free to let me know if you have experienced this or a similar situation. I am in the process of drafting a letter to explain the situation to the Attorney General of my state and of Michigan.

Company: Entertainment Rewards
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Troy
Address: 1414 E. Maple Rd
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