
Recreation & Entertainment

This company states that you can borrow unlimited dvd for $11.99. When they send you the dvd you requested, it takes at least one week for you to get it (if you ever get it). Within one month period two dvds that they "send" us were returned to them unwatched. They claims that "Unfortunately, once we drop off the mail at the post office, it is beyond our control.

What we heard from USPS employees is that sometimes mail processing machine rips up the upper envelope and that piece of mail gets tossed back to our PO Box." It means that you may never get your dvds, but you have to pay for it. We were offered two free weeks of rental, but were charged the monthly fee on regular basic. No replay on emails, after we canceled the service.

Company: Moscowflix
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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Ripoff horrible business practices! DON'T buy anything from them!

DVD Tige
Consumer Report

US Post Office
Redirect Mail

Deceptively charged fee after cancellation ripoff Internet

United States Post Office
The USPS has a good scam going on with Priority Mail!

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

United States Postal Service
Ripoff All Over!

United States Post Office
Usps priority mail rip off / scam

United States Postal Service Usps
Lost my rent money order

US Postal Service
Priority mail, deceptive advertising, ripoff Washington DC