John Casablancas
Is nothing but a money scam!

Politics & Government

Yes it is true John Casablanca is nothing but a get rich money scam pump you up and fill you with dreams that they no they can't deliever. I took two of my daughters there and they give you a long speech on how they can make you a star. Then they say well one group will make straight threw the other group will need some training and the next group just won't get threw. So my ndaughters was in the group that went straight threw but we have to come back the next day to finalize some paper work. Little do you know the same group of people that was suppost be cut was also arriveing there at different times. So we go into a room and then he starts talking now they need training thats what all the modeling get that we don't have to pay for any pictures that they will pay for them all. But here's the thing in order for the children to go to modeling it will cost me 2500 plus 500 down per child. Now you tell me who is paying for the picture to top it off you have to sign a three year contact with them and they get 10% of your profit if you land a job. Not only hat i sat around and ask some of the other models what was said to them in there room and they basicly was told the same thing that we were told and these are the people that was suppost to been cut. It all balls down to who ever can come up with the money would be sold a pipe dream that they know thats not going to happen. Some of these people was not model material they came in with clothes that they ask us not to wear but yet they was ask to come back. It goes to show that money is the root to all evil!!

Company: John Casablancas
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 810 Tyvola Rd. Suite 100
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John Casablancas
Is a big fat scam, I would know I used to work at that place! San Diego

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John Casablanca
Ripoff, scam, promises, famous models

John Casablancas Modeling School
Got Scammed

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John Casablancas
Disrespectful, lying, cheating, dream-shattering people! Ripoff

John Casablanca
Lied to my daughter telling her she was a model and that she was booking jobs. This was a total lie that they told to every parent and child in the program. And surrounding areas

John Casablancas Modeling
Lying, ripoff