The Salvation Army
Screw over and abuse their hardworking employees

Politics & Government

Was employed in Nov. whilst the Store-Manager... Following the last one was mean to workers, was suggest to clients... My company was dropped within the Iowa Ton of 08. Required medical health insurance. Spend was 8.00 pr time, and reward... in the event that you qualified. Saved everything. But legal activities by my landlord led to anything I possessed was ruined. Long Account, suit pending... They dedicated 4 crimes, 2 national crimes.

I understand the Next hand business-like the rear of my palm, my first month there, washed and arranged the whole shop, even-sized the garments. Boost of revenue... 68%. Within the 9-month interval... My complete regular raise 67&. Nearly doubled the company in March. A clear structured, great value shop. With 1 / 2 of the workers when I had after I began.

Our extremely second week there, after my 40 hours... A worker named in ill. And so I named additional workers, no body accessible.

And So I called my area supervisor and questioned what must I do? I currently place in my 40 hours (it was sat=btw). And the man on-staff had a disability... Anziety. The best man you'll actually match. But, we'd a large chaos purchase going on.,

And making him alone wouldn't of been great.

Anyway, and so I contact my chef and have... What must I do? He said you'll need to proceed in. And So I said... Well I actually donot understand the process for your paperwork for your overtime hours... Today understand this... He claims... Oh no... You-can't time in... No overtime permitted of course if you time in, you'll get published up... And so I said... And so I wont move in... He then said... Its your work to confirm the deposit and guarantee the employe gets their split, of course if you do not accomplish that... You'll get published up. We experienced this seniro three times... And so I went in and worked at no cost. Since I had been attached in either case...

While employees stop, I had been prohibited to displace them, the continuous risk of finding dismissed or published up easily didnt get my necessary quantity of everyday revenue... Corporate sprang in on suprise... Requested where's all my workers... Discovered I had been short-handed, informed them to obtain me a complete timer to begin... Not just did they not provide me a complete timer... They reduce my %$ permitted paycheck hours. And so I get tried for upping the company by nearly 70% in the year before. Is sensible. Umm no.

This continued for nearly 9 weeks, till I couldnot procedure material quicker then it had been coming in.

Saved the 20K in paycheck, 12K in free earnings by me... Improved revenue by nearly 100K,

I couldnot keep operating nearly 40 hours free. For 3 months I named to obtain more aid. Nothing. Delivered images and stock documents to exhibit we were receiving hammered. Nothig. And so I named corporate... And got dismissed.

Salvation Army is real evil, greed. Do not contribute. Finished I got dismissed for... Was delivering their pallets of garments in the shipping vehicle, so that they do not get rained on.

They WOn't provide me a duplicate of my own report. Greed...

Company: The Salvation Army
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Iowa City
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Salvation Army
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The Salvation Army
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