Lazarex Cancer Foundation
Beware - Total Lack of Ethics - Dishonnest - Puts a small business at risk by refusing to pay for serivces rendered

Politics & Government

I have worked for the Lazarex Cancer Foundation since November as an independant copywriter. I provided them with weekly content for their blog (2 articles related to cancer) and their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

They paid me on time in November and December. But they didn't pay the January invoice. Since they had paid before and are a charity, I kept sending them weekly content in February, despite the fact that my contact, Kirk Meyer kept answering my reminders by saying that he was in an airport and couldn't access Paypal, had lost his password, etc.

In the mean time they kept publishing my content on their website and on their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Despite all my requests and efforts he keeps ignoring me and puts me in a difficult situation by not paying overdue invoices.

Beware - Lazarex Cancer Foundation and Kirk Meyer have no ethics and are dishonnest. Do not work for them. I would even question their main business ethics. If they scam small vendors, who else do they scam? Give your money to recognized Cancer Foundations with morals and ethics.

Kirk Meyer seems to be a dubious person who claims to be CEO of, and

Company: Lazarex Cancer Foundation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Danville
Address: P.O. Box 741
Phone: 18778669523
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Kirk Streeter
Is a poor father with a drug habit and without work ethics

People Helping People American Cancer Aide Foundation
Scam, using cancer to rip off people

Guest List - People Helping People - American Cancer Aid Foundation
American Cancer Aid Foundation, Guest List, People Helping People RIPOFF! All the customers are requesting their money back

Connor Moran Children's Cancer Foundation
Teri Moran - Connor Moran Wellness Center Requested time to file for grant money to pay for equipment we delivered. Received grant funding but no payment

Charter One Bank - Citizens Bank
Took over $700 in NSF charges from my account when I explained I had cancer and couldn't get to the bank

Refusal to pay benifits of cancer policy

Kirk Sanford Sightline Payments
Meredith Sanford Kirk Sanford Fraud and Con Artist Alcoholic

American Cancer Aid Foundation (aka People Helping People)
American Cancer Aid Foundation aka People Helping People ripoff the business that doesnt give a dam

Not Paying on Claim

Conseco health insurance co
Ripped off