Saint matthews church prayer by letters
I hate to be these people come judgement day

Politics & Government

I live in North Carolina and have had so many of these letters and tokens so to speak come to my address. I dont even know how they got my name and personal information. I did not realize they were scamming until I saw this website. I have been living off of my sons ssi for almost 3 years and he is only 3 now as I write this. I have sent these people close to $100.00 a month for about two years and it has always been in cash to be placed into sewn hearts, crosses and the such. Something needs to be done about this situation and now. I can see that I am not the only one that has been suckered here and it is a shame that there are people using the lord to scam us out of money that we are actually blessed to even have.

Company: Saint matthews church prayer by letters
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Address: p.o box 21838
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Saint Matthew's Churches Prayer By Letters
This church has been sending me prayer request by letters and in return for them to pray for me i have to send them money to sow as the bible ask and my prayer request shall be answered

Saint Matthews Churches
SAINT MATTHEWS The misuse of Gods commandments

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthews Churches
Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthews Church ripoff, disgraceful, It really took me "back" when someone has to stoop that low, as to use our "LORD and SAVIOUR" in a rip off scheme. Hope you get caught

Saint Matthews Churches - Prayer By Letters
Saint Matthews Churches Prayer By Letters rip-off? No reply from company when asking questions

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthews Churches
Prayer By Letters Saint Matthews Churches ripoff

Saint Matthews Churches
Ripoff even if its legal in the Usa It is a scam! Tulsa

Prayer By Letters Saint Mathew's Church Po Box 22148, Tulsa, Ok 74121-9909
Prayer by letters saint mathew's church po asked to injest unknown contents sent by saint matew's prayer by letter (church?!

Saint Matthews Church
Es Of Tulsa Oklahoma P.O. Box 21838 Took thousands of my dollars over a 10 year period

Saint Matthews Churches
Letters by mail is a costly scam to us and them. They will answer to the lord and god. My church was build and bought by us. We are a big group now

Saint Matthews Churches Aka Prayer By Letters
Robbery In The Name of The Lord