NYS Child Support System
Unfair, unjust, unconstitutional, biased towards non-custodial (males)

Politics & Government

I'm writing this report because New York State child support system is outrageous. I'm a father of a beautiful Baby boy who is 2 1/2 now and I'm paying child support i feel in excess.

I make $18 an hour and i pay $790 a month for my son. I claim 9 on my NYS and Fed Taxes to even things out a little bit and I'm struggling. I live alone i pay $550 a month for my place not including utilities.

Winter time utilities for those that live in NYS are horrendous. I have a car note with insurance that i pay $148 a month for insurance and $361 a month for my car. I only have a new car because mines was stolen from the hospital where my son was born and don't have the money to fight them to get something back from that.

I work 40 hours per week like a normal person. I pay everything I'm supposed except my bills because I'm struggling each week to just live and be able to eat.

I see my son every other week and every Thursday. I don't get clothes from his mother or anything from him during his visitation. Now where is my $790 buck a month going. His daycare is $170 a month. My support pays that fully. She cover his insurance which is nothing through her job it's under like 50$ every 2 weeks for just him. So there is the rest of the money for support. So I pay my way what is she really paying for accept for her to live.

His clothes I've bought for him on many occasions spending well over $300 dollars each time because she won't buy clothes. I was ordered to pay more support to $790 this week because her jobs changed and she made more money and got better benefits. So i had to pay more for her change in situation that was overall better. WHY? I though it was for if there was a Need. Why am i paying for her to live in her place. I use my vacation time up at the beginning of the year to take him to and from the doctors because he is sickly. She won't take time off of work because of the money she will lose. First my sons health is more important than her $10 dollars and hour when she can afford it since I'm basically paying her another income higher than what she makes. I have to pay retroactive dues also because of my son being in daycare since September but now she bought a new car over the summer and my son wasn't in daycare from almost April to September or October but now I'm in arrears some how. How do you get put in arrears when you have been paying what your supposed to be paying the whole year and all of my arrears were all caught up also in the summer.

How does it make the custodial (woman) more important than the non-custodial (man). We both have to be able to live and provide some place for our child to be safe and feel comfortable and not dread going to either place. They are making the children love one parent more than the other based on living conditions and what the one parent can't afford. What about the holidays me paying support will never be able to afford anything with all the bills.

Also i went to school and have tons of loans to payback but guess what I can't because they don't take that into consideration when ordering child support. I guess i could just drop everything and go on welfare and then make them spend more money but who wants to live off of any one independence my freedom liberty are all being taken away from me. The fact that it's a federal and criminal offense and it kills your credit report also is a problem. Is that really fair. I fall in to hard times just like everyone else if she does what's going to happen am i going to have to pay more and still make the same wages i have been because so far that has been a trend with NYS.

If she makes more I pay more. She gets better benefits I pay more. If she moves to another place I pay more. Why does her decisions affect me and my whole way of life. This should only be about my son but it's not. My son need $790 bucks a month for what!? Honestly I'm not making 50K a year I'm not even making 40K a year. NYS is the only state where there percentage plus law is just interfering with the regular day to day lives if she can't afford it she need to get another job i have to work overtime and had to get a second job to just try to make ends meet. But woring 40 hours a week and the economy the way it is for a second job not so great making $7.25 won't even make a dent in trying to make ends meet and trying to get the hours is a task in it self all together. I need Help NYS needs to change We have the highest tax rates in the whole US. And get hit with these sneaky laws that for more taxes unknowingly. Please some one help me and all the new yorkers.

Company: NYS Child Support System
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Syracuse
Phone: 18882084485
Site: newyorkchildsupport.com
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