Saint Matthew's Churches
I'm Glad I Checked!

Politics & Government

I am so glad I checked the complaint on this one! I almost sent for the "free" "Prosperity Cross" from this company. I don't even think it's a REAL church even though their website is professionally done.

What cautioned me and made me check them out here is that there is a notation on a folded and fastened paper that reads, "Only break open this sealed prophecy after you have put this postcard and your prayer request back in the mail to this 58 year old ministry. If for any reason you are not going to return this Church Prayer Card then this sacred prophecy must be destroyed, unopened and unread, because this is a sacred, spiritual prophecy, sealed word, concerning you and your future. Remember, the Bible says, "Let your requests be made known unto God." Philippinans 4:6" What? I can't open it? God didn't write it and He wouldn't play games.

So, I opened it up and read it. Of course they want you to send the post card back to them for the "free" cross first! Inside, it read, in part, "There are many things which you need to know, but this can only come through your careful, consistent and persistent communication with me." In other words, send in the card and we will be constantly in touch with you... You get our "free" cross and you get ongoing letters from us asking for "seed" money. I say donate to your local church and let this one slide.

The letter and post card doesn't look like any church request or bulletin I've ever seen. The letter sounds like it was written by God himself and part of it sounds like a Tony Robbins informercial. It uses the usual marketing tactics. There are lots of words underlined in red or in bold print to catch your attention.

Even though nothing happened to me personally with this company (I can't even call it a church), I just wanted to include my observations.

Company: Saint Matthew's Churches
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
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St. Matthew's Churches
Prayer by letters "a sign from the lord about your future"

Saint Matthew's Churches Prayers By Letters
Ripped me off and are a fraud ripoff

Saint matthew's Churches
Prayer by Letters Good fortune! Prayer's are answered! Sow your Seed it will return to you 10!

Saint Matthew'sChurches
Saint Matthew's Churches Prayer Rug ripoff Prayer By Letters

Saint Matthew's Churches Or Prayer By Letters
Saint Matthew's Churches or Prayer By Letters RipOff AGAIN!

Saint Matthew's Churches Prayer By Letters
This church has been sending me prayer request by letters and in return for them to pray for me i have to send them money to sow as the bible ask and my prayer request shall be answered

Saint Matthew's Church
Es Beware! St. Matthew's Churches Scams People to get Money!

Saint Matthew's Church
Ripoff handkerchief scam wanting you to send seeds$ and your prayer will be answered

The Cross - Saint Matthew's Churches
False Prayer Circle, suckers you in with FREE cross, CLAIMS no money, con artists playing on spiritual needs

St. Matthews Churches Prayer By Letter
St. Matthews Churches prayer by lette