Better Business Bureau
Better Business Bureau rip off scam orginization

Politics & Government

When looking for a job as both a writer and a psychic from the advice of a friend I always examined their profile carefully at the BBB. Most of the time this meant long distance phone calls because the agents, publishers and phone line managers I was contacting were from out of state.
So naturally you had to contact the company's local area BBB, instead of your local one...

Once I read the profile and saw their good rating, I sent my manuscripts and job resumes accordingly. My work was stolen, even the post office is involved in that one because it was ALL sent by certified or registered mail! Which is supposed to be insured or protected in some way?

No attorney will even touch my case around my area, not even if I had the money for a retainer! POST office said, that NOTHING is protected by them unless you pay to have the item INSURED by them!!!

While waiting for my manuscripts to be published (instead of just stolen!) I applied for jobs working phone lines. Most of the phone lines have magazines they send out and I NEVER missed the opportunity to ask to write for them at a higher pay level, but it was made very clear to me that none of these companies wanted you to advance in any way!

You were only allowed to be happy with the slave wages they offered you in the first place! I had invested much money in these jobs because they required it from me. I paid for the extra line, the new special phone required, paid for a copy of the DREADED "logsheets" which I HATE more than the customers who call me, and that is saying something!

I am a REAL psychi I do not need scams and BS to keep you hanging on the line for more than a minute! I also have never heard of a job where the managers out right FIRE you if you ask ordinary questions that you would ask at any other normal LEGAL job interview! I asked if we get paid for overtime like when we work more than forty hours a week and then I was FIRED for it!!!

I also have not heard of a job where you have to pay for everything they REQUIRE you to have! I mean how many general motors workers are required to bring the cars they are supposed to built to work, AND pay for it out of their own pocket? REALLY!!!

They wanted me to have a computer with a fax machine, and printer. I didn't so I paid to send faxes and makes copies of the needed paperwork for my job out of my own pocket!

This is the main reason I get so upset at PEOPLE when they call the psychics the frauds of the phone line scams and do not put the proper blame in it's PLACE! I agree whole heatedly with all the cusses I had talked to about it on their "DIME!"...

Why is a psychic performing secretarial duties? I am not a secretary nor did file for a secretarial position! Since I am being a secretary why am I not being paid the minimum seven dollars an hour for it PLUS what I make permute for each call?

That question got me fired from another one! They offer you free minutes which they take up getting your name address and phone number at the start of the call to send you junk mail you can't understand, don't want or need! Yes it is a scam, it has to be, I mean who hasn't heard of caller ID?

Doesn't the phone company provide that service? If they are going to offer you free minutes, then make them free! If the phone company charges too much for the service, hire other operations to take the info, then send them on the line to the psychic with their FULL FREE MINUTES! It is just that simple!!!

Phone psychics make AT MOST Fifteen dollars an HOUR for each hour of TALK TIME. If you do not take the names and addresses you are FIRED. There are no exceptions to the rule.

All of this and MORE I have reported to the lol and national BBB with the help of the www.Still nothing had come of it till I sent my book "Psychic's and FRAUDS" to Random house for publication.

Random house kept the manuscript even though I paid return postage and had all necessary materials sent with it for it's safe return. They sent me a letter stating that they are no longer accepting unsolicited manuscripts, INSTEAD f STAMPING it and sending it back to me unopened and unread as other LEGAL UPSTANDING publishers have done when they are NOT receiving any new materials at all!!!

THIS TIME however I did have it insured and I am going to approach the post office with my insurance claim of fifty-thousand dollars since I did not receive anything back yet. How far I get with that will be another subject for another report!

Point here being do not trust the bbb in any area, do not trust the post office even when your mail has been insured! And never trust a large publishing housebe cause they have been stealing from their writers for as long as they have been in business!

Whether or not you can trust agents is also another story for another report! In my opinion they are worse then publishers because publishing companies created them so they didn't have to spend as much money on proofreaders and editors...

The crappie web tv keyboard making me look like a hack as a writer and other web tv complaints are a subject for another report as well...

Point being if you are looking for a job on the net give it up, all i have found is scams and rip off artists in me over ten years of searching, but as long a you still have hope... Hey, good luck!!!

When the bbb protects all of the companies who not only rip off the consumer, but also the worker, and all the other government agencies i have written to about the bbb protect them and take the same stance with the companies they are supposed to be helping to protect us against, then it is time to realize that they will not change unless we make them...

Company: Better Business Bureau
Country: USA
State: Ohio
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