Legum&Norman - Cimarron Townhome Association
Threatens, steals money and discriminates against Disabled people

Politics & Government

Legum&Norman is worse than a disreputable company; they are downright crooks and criminals. Michael Donnel from Legum&Norman is not only a liar but also a thief and a criminal by stealing money from me.

Thomas Snow the board president of Cimarron Town Home Association who resides at 681 N Katherine Lane Unit D, Addison, IL 60101-06401 His phone number is 630-953-1447. He is also a liar and a thief. When we asked him about the INHUMAN treatment Legum&Norman gave us and the thirty days they threatened to take occupancy of my home he said he knew nothing about it. Yet his signature is on the document stating that the board will take possession of my home.

I am being discriminated and attempted to being forcibly removed from my home of 12 years on the main basis that I am disabled.

On October 3, I received a certified letter from Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit 750 Lake Cook Road, Suite 350, Buffalo Grove IL 60089,847-537-0983 stating that if I did not pay $2106.49 that within thirty days I would forcibly be removed from my home.

This sum was for the most part unpaid assessments, and unpaid fines of $25 per month for each payment each month, plus legal fees, HOWEVER I have cancelled checks proving that I paid these assessments. I had to borrow the money and had a stroke from the stress and fear of being thrown out on the street being disabled.

In July, August and September I was threatened with my life and to be beaten to the point of being paralyzed by the self proclaimed KING of the community and board member, Stephen Apt who resides at 665 Katherine Lane his phone number is 630-627-6569 and he claims he can beat up anyone alive and anyone out there is looking for a fight just visit or call him because he believes he can beat up ANYONE. This thug warned that if I so much as walked to my mailbox I would be beaten or killed because We don't want any cripples in our neighborhood.

I paid the full amount and the attorney that sent the letter stated clearly that the case was closed and they had no more dealings with me. YET I am told that Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit is billing me $100 per month in collection fees. A collection including legal fees demanding to be paid within 30 days was PAID in FULL in 8 days. YET either Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit or Legum&Norman are lying and trying to ILLEGALLY squeeze more money out of me.

A CROOKED Town Home association hires a CROOKED management company who hires a CROOKED law firm. They are all CRIMINALS.

I showed Michael Donnel all of my cancelled checks proving that I paid my assessments and asked what was the $2106.49 for, as my assessments were paid.in essence I am being charged double assessments each month. They hold my checks for one or two months before cashing them and then charge me late charges.

During this meeting I cited a perfect example of how in other ways they were not only violating my Constitutional rights by my civil rights as well and they agreed that my rights were violated but stated that because I live in a town home I have no Constitutional or Civil Rights that the association overrides these rights.

In early June these people (Stephen Apt and Thomas Snow et al) turned all of the sprinklers in a fixed position aimed at my house and left them running for hours each day. I called the office of Legum&Norman begging and pleading for them to fix these sprinklers because they were flooding and destroying my house. All I received is a snotty, Why don't you write a letter to the board.

Over two weeks later they came out to adjust the sprinklers and aimed them at the upper level of my house. My lower level carpeting is completely ruined and mold and mildew fill the walls and I suppose they were trying to dry rot the upper level of my home rendering it uninhabitable and condemned. Legum&Norman then charged me $695 for sprinkler damage. I called the sprinkler company and I informed by the foreman that if there is a problem with the sprinklers they come out the same day to fix them.

Legum&Norman deliberately waited two weeks and cause over $10,000 damage to my house. Why, because they want to take my house by having it condemned it foreclosed (by a Town Home association.)

Company: Legum&Norman - Cimarron Townhome Association
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Glen Ellyn
Address: 800 Roosevelt Road, Suite A100
Phone: 6308582687
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