La Superior Court Commissioner Gretchen Taylor
Dept 82 corrupt or severely ignorant, perhaps buyable

Politics & Government

Atrributing a $3100.00 per month income for a multi millionaire living in million dollar home and driving over 600k worth of cars. Denying all legal avenues to require the individual to produce income documentation and ignoring the lifestyle of the individual claiming to make $3100.00 per month. Oh did I mention the yacht?

Company: La Superior Court Commissioner Gretchen Taylor
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 111 N. Hill Street
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Dr. Kenneth Taylor of Broward Institute of Orthopedic Specialists
Theres only enough room for him

Doctor Kenneth Taylor
There's only enough room for himself

Marin Valley Mobile Country Club
Hey Marin Valley Mobile Country Club, Perhaps Your Definition of Low Income Differs from The Rest Of Us?

Los Angeles superior court
Gretchen Taylor Unfair comissioner had so many complaints that she was forced into early retirement. Court system does not want to embarass itself with her conduct even after over 30 complaints

Reliance Surety Group
Ripoff scammed my daughter out of $3100.00

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Same balance after 2 years... *sigh* - Care Credit

Superior Acura
Sold me a car that I could not qualify for. Also sold my car before any financing could be estblished. Ripoff

Xenex, Winston Sylvester
Cheat, Lie, Manipulate, two-faced, Hypocritical, Back stabing you know what

Home Income Profit Kit
Consumer Report

David Johnson
Was Also robbed for $3100 by, David Johnson