Network 54 - Amisa Yellowbird - Kelly Smith Gomez
Using complete threads from other websites without permission of author (s)

Politics & Government

Amisa Yellowbird is a legal alias for Kelly Michelle Smith Begay Gomez who runs a Network54 site where she hawks her wares as "powwow regalia." She is not Native American, not registered with any tribe, state or federal.

The problem is, she lifts entire threads from other websites and posts them on her board, putting her own spin on the subject and the writers. She and her cohorts then proceed to deride and abuse the posts and posters she has lifted illegally according to Network 54's own user rules.

She has been reported several times for this abuse and Network 54 continues to ignore those who complain. So, until such time as the abuse is stopped, Network 54 shares equally in the blame for plagerism.

Ms. Gomez offers only her view to be posted, any post which disagrees with her does not remain on the board, or it is edited to make it seem the writer agrees with her. It is an exercise in futility to try to rectify anything posted on her board.

She, in the past, ran a 501 (c) 3 "charity" (The United Traditional Indian Council of Arizona, Inc.) for eleven years asking for money to support needy American Indians, when it appears that the main beneficiaries were herself and her family. This can be verified through records filed with the state of Arizona. I would love to see the state of Arizona investigate her to see if there was any wrongdoing on her part. I believe she cannot verify that any monies ever went for the purpose for which they were solicited.

Company: Network 54 - Amisa Yellowbird - Kelly Smith Gomez
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Wittman
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Clark Howard Show And Website
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The college network

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Vel Network, Thomas Gomez (9999) ripoff, fraudulent, dishonest, lying, misrepresented services provided, opportunists praying on seniors, swindlers, deceptive presentation, coercive, refusal to honor their commitments
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Sold Me A Used MOBO

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Consumer Report

Massive Network of Profitable Adsense Websites, Massive Network of Profitable Adsense Websites 2130 Okara