Sentator JON KYL
Is a Rip-off I Feel Is A SELL OUT Who Loves Illegals, Wants TAX Payers To PICK UP THE TAB! Time for these CLOWNS to be EXPOSED for why why realy are. Sell outs, az 85018

Politics & Government

The treacherous, disloyal and defiant political sleaze bags listed below have EACH overtly and willfully ignored tens of thousands of phone calls, faxes, letters and e-mails from taxpaying American Citizens telling them to vote AGAINST the immigration reform Bill. Each of them voted this week to resurrect the Immigration Bill after millions of Americans opposed it so staunchly the Senate Majority Leader was forced to withdraw the Bill from consideration just two short weeks ago.

These U.S. Senators are paid by us to represent what WE THE PEOPLE want. The power they wield is OUR power. It is loaned to them by us, for them to utilize as we instruct. Yet despite the calls, letters, faxes and e-mails from literally millions of decent, hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, these defiant public servants resurrected the Bill and intend to ram it through the Senate by the end of this week!

Clearly, these arrogant public servants need to have far more political pressure applied to them so they truly get the message: We will not tolerate
them betraying America by continuing to side with illegal aliens over American Citizens!

To that end, I do hereby supply the home addresses and where available, the home telephone numbers, of U.S. Senators who voted to resurrect the
McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform bill despite being told by the American People that we do not want to give law-breaking illegal aliens a path to citizenship!

Worse, the Bill as crafted would irreversibly damage our nation. On top of allowing Millions of law-breakers to remain in our nation, it would allow hundreds of thousands MORE "guest workers" into the country every year, driving more Americans out of work!

We're supposed to believe those hundreds of thousands of immigrants will simply go home after their two year "guest worker period." Yea. Sure.

We're also supposed to believe the government will actually enforce the new immigration laws better than they've failed to enforce our present laws. Yea. Sure.

HMMMM. Let's see. They promised immigration enforcement after the 1986 Amnesty. It didn't happen. They promised immigration enforcement in the last two Presidential elections, It didn't happen. They promised immigration enforcement in the last four Mid-term Congressional elections. It didn't happen.

Yet we're supposed to believe this latest new law will somehow be enforced better? No. Not this time. We're not stupid. We won't be fooled again.

These Senators - OUR elected officials - are ignoring us and treating us like fools. They are acting as though they can do whatever they want in spite of what we want. They are wrong.

'THE IMPACT of immigration legal and illegal on jobs, schools, healthcare, the environment, national security, are all very serious problems, " insists Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), a man famed for his extreme anti-immigration views. "But more serious than all of them put together is this threat to the culture. I believe we are in a clash of civilizations." Tancredo's right about that last bit. We are in a clash of civilizations and someday, immigrant culture may even displace some aspects of American culture.

We'd better hope so.

Americans? We're fat, decadent and getting dumber all the time. Our life expectancy, which rose for most of the last two centuries, is stalling because so many of us are obese. While most of us know everything there is to know about Paris Hilton, we know next to nothing about history, geography, international politics or the workings of our own government.

In American culture, the Xbox reigns supreme among boys, we market thong underwear to prepubescent girls and a growing number of adults think a McMansion with fewer than one bathroom per resident is the height of privation.

Our forebears tamed the West, but today, most of us couldn't tame a paper bag. If we had to cross the country in covered wagons, we'd be dead well before we reached the Mississippi.

Now contrast "our" culture with that of recent immigrants. On all too many measures, immigrants look a whole lot better.

Immigrants exhibit no shortage of pluck. It takes guts to leave your home and everything you know even if a green card awaits. And when it comes to illegal immigrants, just getting here takes astounding courage. Illegal immigrants endure astonishing privation and risk just for the chance to improve their lot by doing the backbreaking work so few native-born Americans have the inclination to do. While we demand McMansions, they share cramped apartments. We're up to our ears in consumer debt; they save almost every dollar to send to their less-well-off relatives.

The younger generation of illegal immigrants is particularly impressive. Each year, thousands of unaccompanied children cross into the U.S. Without their parents, many literally walking here from villages in El Salvador and Guatemala. Could our sheltered and chaperoned children manage such a trip on their own?

Immigrants tend to be straight arrows too. A 2002 survey by the nonpartisan group Public Agenda found that an overwhelming majority of immigrants believe that they have a duty to "work hard and stay off welfare" and "respect people from different religious and ethnic backgrounds." A Harvard study found that immigrant students also have more positive attitudes toward education than U.S.-born young people.

And contrary to widespread perceptions, immigrants are less likely than non-immigrants to commit crimes. A study in Chicago looking specifically at Mexican immigrants found that "first-generation immigrants (those born outside the United States) were 45% less likely to commit violence than were third-generation Americans." Harvard sociology professor Robert Sampson suggests that increased immigration may have been a factor in reduced crime rates in the 1990s.

Another study done in New York City found that immigrants looked pretty good across the board. Compared to their native-born peers, for instance, "foreign-born [adolescents] had less asthma, less obesity, fewer school days missed and less involvement in substance use, sex, delinquency and violence." On average, immigrants even live three years longer than the rest of us.

No wonder Tancredo and his supporters are terrified of immigrants!

Immigrants put us to shame. They're healthier, stronger, thriftier and braver. If we can't get them to assimilate, they may well displace us. Thursday's death-by-filibuster of the immigration reform bill which ended the prospect of a path to citizenship for 12 million undocumented workers might slow the cultural displacement, but it won't stop it.

Fortunately for us native-born types, most immigrants are willing to overlook our flaws and assimilate. According to the Public Agenda survey, 80% of immigrants consider the U.S. "a unique country that stands for something special in the world, " and 87% say it's "extremely important" to "speak and understand English."

But we should pause before we insist that immigrants assimilate. The same studies that show immigrants are healthier and less violent also suggest that the inoculating effects of immigrant status wear off over the years.By the time you get to the grandchildren of immigrants, you can no longer detect much difference.

In other words: Immigrants beware! Assimilation into American culture may be hazardous to your health and your values.

As for the rest of us instead of insisting that immigrants assimilate to our culture, maybe we should consider assimilating to theirs. It might be the only way to bring back the values of our ancestors who were, as everyone knows, immigrants themselves.

It is time to begin protesting their arrogance and defiance and pressure them mercilessly at their homes; as soon as we can get there and for as long as we can stay. Thousands of us need to just get in our cars and go.

Call him up at his HOME at tell him how you feel! Call him NOW!
BIRTH DATE: 04/05/1942
HOME phone number is
(602) 840-5046

Address 1 confirmed
4442 e camelback rd unit #160
phoenix, az 85018
(928) 735-7295

Address 2:
1805 crystal dr #apt 611
arlington, va 22202
(703) 920-7991

Address 3:
4701 e arcadia ln
phoenix, az 85018
(602) 840-5046

Company: Sentator JON KYL
Country: USA
State: Arizona
Address: 4701 E ARCADIA LN PHOENIX, AZ 85018
Phone: 6028405046
  <     >  


Phoenix Aizona Mayor Phil Gordon
Illegal immigrants This mayor is all about saving the illegal immigrants, says he wants to kill the Arizona immigration bill. Is a ripoff to Americans because of illegal immigrants living in America, shame on you Mayo

U.S. Federal Judge Susan Bolton, shame on you for defending illegal immigrants!
Sandra Day O'Connor U.S. Courthousejudge defends illegal immigrants to work and live in the United States, that's a ripoff to our economy and this country!

Michelle Cummings from Cummings Properties LLC rents to illegal immigrants
Shame on Michelle for trying to block Alabama's new illegal immigration bill because she rents to illegal immigrants!

Lone Star College
LSC Supports Illegal Immigration with free college Aid

Terry W Rombough Law Office
Terry Rombough takes advantage of immigrants by taking money and never following through, leaving the immigrants left out in the cold facing deportation

US Goverment

Isabel Rubio from the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama
Trying to block Alabama's new ilegal immigration law hurting Americans but wants illegal immigrants to live here and steal job for cheap labor and free society benefits

Hasty Lane Constuction Alabama
Foley, Alabama (AL) House Builder Hires illgal immigrants, Shack of shame!

Illegal immigrants/coffee and rudeness

Mary Bauer - Southern Poverty Law
Shame on Southern Poverty Law Shame on these people, for defending illegal immigrants to live & take advantage of America away from US citizens their jobs and their businesses, SPW is a social burden shame organization