Karen Van Beyer
Custody evaluator lies for money!"Dad Advocate"!

Politics & Government

This so-called LCSW "custody evaluator" took my children from me, and gave them to my ex, with "supervision only" for me! Custody Evaluation is a very narrow field. Almost any social worker can call themselves an "expert".

She's a well known "mommy hater". A simple google search on her will dredge up all the proof you need! (Oh, I have my proof, already), mainly an evaluation report that was twisted, and full of inconsistencies. You can actually see the inconsistencies SHE WROTE if you could read it!

Judge Patrick McCabe (Louisiana, Div. F, Jefferson Parish) did not read this report. He only read the last page. "recommendation".

I had shown MS. Van Beyer proof of child abuse by my ex... Two reports from Child Services that said I had a loving, and fit home for my children, plus requests by BOTH of my children that they live with me! McCabe assigned us to this peice of work! I wonder if these two have something going on the side?

MS. Van Beyer prefers to be called "doctor". I'm still laughing about that one! Yet, as a final spit in her face, I will list this under "doctors". Hopefully, someone will see it before they actually agree to her "evaluation", and the fact that she is NOT a doctor! She's a social worker!

My son told her that he did not want to live with his father, because he was in fear of his life!

Her response was "he seems too timid and shy"!!

The *&*& ignored *everything* my kids said, and, because she worked on 'sliding scale fees', went with my ex, who paid more $ to her, AND also, too late, I found out she was active in "Louisiana Dads" which basically would give custody to a friggin criminal, if he wanted it.

Her main bag is being an advocate for Latinos. Gee, I suppose if I was a latino, I would have had a better chance with her?
She's a racist, sexist pig!

Karen Van Beyer. It's too late for you and me to dance, but you will burn in hell. I've posted this info to every blog I can find, and, not so amazingly, found MORE of your victims! It seems you get around!

Google her if you don't believe me... You'll find positive things of course, but if you dig a bit deeper...

Why is it that PROFESSIONALS will put their need of money above people's lives? Has "business as usual" really become this cold?

"just let me get through this, so I can get my money, and make my car payment". OMG!!!

If this makes no sense to you, I am extremely emotional. I hope she dies a slow, painful death!
I will answer any questions that may help you understand. But, If you find the proper links on Google, you'll know!
Can I post links here? If so, I will, and save interested parties the trouble of Googling. The most effective way of finding out the truth is through "cached" links, since most of the forums have been revamped. Oh yes, they contain IP numbers. They are most definitely written by different people.

Company: Karen Van Beyer
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: New Orleans
Address: Tulane University
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