The Social Security Administration And The United States Government
They support and encourage deadbeat dads Federal Government Agency Tennessee

Politics & Government

I have a mojor problem with the social security administration. I recently filed for child support for my two children ages 3 and 7 against their father here in the great state of Tennessee. I knew it would be hard because he's a ja*, but I had no idea the government would assist him in his scam.

When I filed in Memphis with the Shelby county Juvenile Court system they told me that he probably won't have to pay. WHAT!!! As it turns out he got a 'pay as able' ruling, meaning he doesn't have to pay if he can't. And anyone knowing anything about deatdads know he will always claim he 'ain't able'. Now you may ask how did he get such a break. He's on SSI.

I called the SSA myself and asked is this true. They claimed it's state by state. My state claimed it's federal. Either way they both said that an SSI check is lke a welfare check and they don't have to pay child support.

He is not disabled for one thing and I told them that. My question to any reasonable person is this. Is this right? He made these babies with me. Yet, I'm the only one taking care of them. I wrote every politician in my state I could, the mayor, my representative, my senetors, my govennor even. I wrote everybody but Bush himself to get that question answered then I found this site.

My kids don't understand my lack of money at Christmas and birthdays. The utility companies don't want to here about this matter when my bill is due. My landlord certainly doesn't when the rent is due. So can anyone explain to me why this government would allow this. IfI were on welfare and I have been just to survive but you really cant, I still have to support my kids. Why doesn't he?

I just don't understand this system. Most candidates for office and even elected politicians claim they want this and that for our children but ask me who responded to my letters. NO ONE!!! Not one of them - oh I'm sorry Sen. Frist did put me on his email list for his news letter.

Something has to be done to change this. It doesn't matter if a man or woman is on SSI, social security, or is working and they have minor children they should be required to support them. No government agencey be it county, city, state, or federal should facilitate a parent's not supporting their children.

Company: The Social Security Administration And The United States Government
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: SSA. gov
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Kenneth R Norman Deadbeat Dad Shelby County
Kenneth R Norman Deadbeat Dad Child Support laws are written for the welfare of the non custodial parent not the children & Shelby County

Shelby County Juvenile Court
Our systems take money out of our babies hands and lie about it

Becky Sellers
Rip Off Mom - never missed a child support pmt & haven't seen my kids for over 10 YEARS

State Of Florida Child Support Enforcement Agency
Lazy, understaffed, uncaring, waste of tax payers money government office Florida

Department Of Social Services
RIPOFF welfare of children

India Nickole Garth
A woman scorned with 3 different baby daddies india nickole garth! You claim your daughter father doesnt pay child support yet your bragging on your money on myspace n facebook

North Carolina State Government, Child Support Enforcement
No justice

Suffolk County Family Court - foster Care
Child support -foster care Centeral Ripoff Islip

Memphis Shelby County Government - Juvenile Court (aka) Child Support (aka) Peter Michael McDowel
Memphis Shelby County Juvenile Court Child Support - Memphis Shelby County Government - Juvenile Court - Child Support - Peter Michael McDowel I Called about not receiving support for over a year and they did nothing to find ex-husband

Michael Blake McClendon - Catfish - Blake - Big Mike
Michael Blake McClendon - Catfish - Blake - Big Mike Failure to Pay Child Support Obligations