Sandpiper RV Park
Ripoff John the Manager ripped off my electricity deposit ($400) Lakeshore

Politics & Government

I need a place to put my Fifth wheel RV temporary as I had just started a new job in the area and just came down from Washington State.

I asked John the Manager (his wife is a reporter and the local news paper) if he had a space open and told him I temporary need a place to put my RV.

John said sure and showed me the space. I told him I would like a month by month space rental and he said no problem. He did say the only thing I needed to do was give him a electrical deposit of $400 dollars and that was it. I could stay as long as I like and there is a fishing dock and a luandry room open 9am to 9pm and I could have my mail sent to the office no worries.

Well I paid and stayed there a month and my wife found a job were we need to stay on the property as part of the job.

So I tried to contact John at his office and called and left several messages that we were moving our fifth wheel and to read the meter and I would pick up the balance.

I never heard back from John. So knowing he was sick I moved and then tried to contact him again. After a week of trying and leaving messages he answered the phone and said I was not getting any money back. I ask why and he said I moved without giving him notice.

I never agreed to a 30day notice and he never said anything about a rental agreement.

I have not been able to get one red cent back and John has ripped me off.

There never was access to the fishing dock and the laundry room was locked 6 out of 7 days.

I have found out John has ripped off many others and there willing to go to small cliams court and tell there story.

I have found out who the owner is and she will be contacted by my Attorney soon.

The owner is Maria Van Schaik
Grass Valley, Ca 94949

They need to make this rip off right or there will be a class suit filed soon.

Many more details will be posted online if they countinue to ignore me and rip me off.

Company: Sandpiper RV Park
Country: USA
State: California
City: 2630 Lakeshore Blvd. Nice
Address: Manager And Owner
Phone: 7072744448
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