Newport News

Newspapers & Magazines

To all you online clients like myself. Bear in mind should you purchase from Newport News, I've NEVER had this type of frustration before, and that I purchase from EVERYWHERE. I purchased a gown for $150.00 and also the evening I acquired it, used to donot like it and it was to large. I packed it back-up the exact same time. I delivered it back and followed it plus they received it 3 days later. I waited per week and observed I still did not obtain the credit back on my bill. I delivered them a contact plus they replied back. Oh, it requires as much as 6 months and-or 2 billing cycles of one's creditcard. I said "PARDON ME". This implies I'll pay attention on the merchandise they actually have. After all really. You receive back the item, they credit back your consideration. I will let you know this, I'll NEVER purchase from their website again. This really is simply incorrect and it is BAD CUSTOMER SUPPORT. To put on up your cash for approximately 2 weeks is UNCOMMON. Therefore simply to alert anybody who's contemplating to-order from their website. Beware! Similar to people, $150.00 out-of our take into account 2 weeks, when you wish to-go purchase another gown or whichever is simply wrong!

Company: Newport News
Country: USA
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They lie, and lie and lie to their customers
I'd never purchase something from them again

Discount Membership
Unauthorized charges

Newport News
Threats by Newport News to extort payment
Unethical Sales and Billing Practices

Newport News

Misses Dressy

Newport News
Eturn fraud and outrageously deceptive practices

Bloomindales online
Sent wrong item, twice, then had trouble getting refunded on credit card