California Staats - Zeitung
Refund of unused subscription of the News Pape

Newspapers & Magazines

I called today, to cancel the News Paper, because my husband is not satisfied with the paper anymore. I asked to please send us the refund of the unused subscription. The lady I've talked to said, there will not be a refund. I ask why, she said, we have renewed the subscription in May and will last to May. Refunds are not issued. My subscription renewal notice does not state anywhere, that there will not be a refund after cancellation, neither have we signed anything to that effect. This is a free country and anybody has the right to change their minds, specially when the customer is not satisfied anymore with the product

Company: California Staats - Zeitung
Country: USA
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Best Buy
Is bad, bad, bad! Rip-off! Watch your attitude, but do tell your experiences
Won' refund unused subscription fee

SBS (Subscription Billing Service)
Consumer Report

David Frisk
FedEx,, Con-Tact News Purchased a subscription to Con-Tact News and never received the subscription!

Lombardi Financial
Profit Confidential Refund

SKS Subscription - SKS Services, NMS, Services Unlimited Plus, SKS Services, National Magazine
Servic Company received payment for magazine subscription but failed to deliver merchandise, dirty ripoff liars

Magazine Service Center
Cheats the Consume

Lombardi Publishing
Doctor's Health Press Renewed subscription without notice, no response to cancellation. After 30 day no refund. Boston

Norton, Symantec AntiVirus
Harassment to renew subscription with a bait and switch to buy something else

Company refuses to cancel my service even if I have sent a cancellation notice during the trial period