Publications Unlimited
Magazines I didn't orde

Newspapers & Magazines

I've obtained three various publications that used to donot purchase. I named each to stop and was informed, 'a 3rd party requested them-and they're not able to stop my subscription, the one thing they might do was hold my subscription.

Company: Publications Unlimited
Country: USA
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Family Reader Sarvice
Billed for magazines not ordered

Publications Unlimited
Sending magazines

Hearst Magazines
Sending magazines I did not orde

Publications Unlimited
Unauthorized charges

Mags For Miles aka Synapse group inc
Renewal charges for magazines i didnt orde

Publications Unlimited
Fraudulently signed me up for magazines

Heartland inc

Publications Unlimited
Unwanted magazines and being charged

Treasure Coast Readers
Unauthorized Account

American Reading Club
Non-delivery of magazines