Domino Magazine
Immoral editorial practices / feature stolen products

Newspapers & Magazines

Domino Magazine continues to feature the products of Legacy Trading Company (of Dallas, Texas), even though the magazine's editors have been repeatedly notified that Legacy and its owners, Kelly O'Neal and Rene Gutierrez, have stolen thousands of dollars in services, designs, samples and actual product from Dallas area artists and manufacturers. The products featured in Domino - pillows and decorative wares -were illegally obtained - read: STOLEN - from one local designer. To add insult to felony, O'Neal claims to have come up with the designs he's stolen himself! In fact, he couldn't design a stick figure with any style, as just about anyone ripped off by these con men will tell you. If you don't want to see blatantly stolen designs featured in supposedly reputable national magazines, let the editors at Domino Magazine know that you think it's wrong to steal from hardworking artists. Thank you for support. AND DON'T BUY FROM THE BLATANT THIEVES AT LEGACY TRADING COMPANY OR DESIGN-LEGACY IN DALLAS! Their showroom at the Dallas World Trade Center, Daryl Jenkins, also displays Legacy's STOLEN SAMPLES and DESIGNS!

Company: Domino Magazine
Country: USA
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Cottage Living Magazine
Immoral editorial practices

InStyle Magazine
Magazine supports THEFT and CRIMINAL ACTIVITY

DESIGN LEGACY / Legacy Trading Company / Kelly O'Neal
Kelly O'Neal's Interior Design SWINDLERS, CON ARTISTS and THIEVES

Design Legacy
Owners are still thieves and criminals!

George Little Management
Promotes theft and criminal!

Jayson Home And Garden - Chicago
Jayson home & garden jayson home and garden = stolen designs merchandise!

Design Legacy Wall Charts
Theft of design & services

Design Legacy Wall Charts
Theft of design & services

Legacy Trading Company (Legacy Theft Company)
Owners are thieves and liars!

FELICIA BERRY/Legacy Trading Company
Berry = con woman