Heaven Sent Gifts
Consumer Report


I sent cash because that is all I had at the time. The letter said I would here back, I did not here so I figured It was lost and 3weeks later sent another $25.00 in cash and as of today 11/24 no answer back. I now know I have been had.


Company: Heaven Sent Gifts
Country: USA
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Faceup Gaming
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Kohls cash is such a rip off

Cash Today
Consumer Report

Dr. Madison Price of Heaven Sent Gifts
Consumer Report

No cash back paid Internet

7th Heaven Escorts
Bad service

Unified Services
Scam check for 149.80!

Useless service - just send cash - giftcard

Financial Acquisition Agency
FAA, Payment Pending Memorandum, this compamy said I will receive $2,342000.00 if I send them $20.00 cash in the mail, money order or check.By 11/20. Today date is 10/15