Joanne Agnes Barton
Ripoff Former Catholic Nun becomes single adoptive parent thats abusive neglectful and manipulitive appearing to be a saint to others that can do no wrong


This woman a former Nun withing the catholic faith adopted a female child when the child was 10. The female child had been in Joannes care since seven years of age. The female child had some emotional issues that at times made her difficult. Joanne had the child crawl between her legs and told this child that she was giving birth to her exposing herself saying that it was natural.

As time went on Joanne would use the bathroom with open doors and dress and undress in front of her exposing herself. As the child got older she askes that she stop and close the door when she did such things, but it never happened. She had the child sleep in her bed with her until she was 11 years of age. As the child was botherd by this and everyone thought she was the liar and trouble maker, and she has emotional outburts and no one would listen to her anout her situation. For Joanne to make herself look good to others she had the child committed at 12 that lasted off and on.

When the Child became pregnant by an employee of the Hospital Where Joanne worked she did nothing as she said she had to look out for her job and it was never pushed by her for the child for the man of rape and police were never notified. Joanne manipuated the child then 15 to terminate the employess parental rights so that one day as she put it the baby could be adopted by the girls husband and all the leg work would be done. Then not even 2 months after the parental rights were done she said that she needed custody signed over to her to put the baby child on the hospitals insurance and that it would only be temporary. When the girl did this that was all it took as that was Joannes plan from the beginging with the baby was to steal it throught manipulation and again making it seem like she was a saint and could do no wrong as she had rescued this baby from this "emotionally unstable girl" that she (Joanne) had a big part of contributing to her well being as a person.

She knew that the girl had a trust issues and played upon her vunerabilities. She has always put this child down calling her names, insulting her, emtionally, verbally and sexually abusing her until she had no need anymore as she thought that the baby the girl had would always keep the girl around and in her control. The girl did finally grow up and marry and she left and has not looked back nor remained in contact in any way with the woman for almost distroyed her. Her husband has been a great support and comfort to her and has helped her move on putting all the painful memories of yesterday behind them and her.

This is only a small (tiny) portion of what this girl went through while with this woman. The judge and social workers all supported this Woman Joanne as she could never do any wrong to a child, After all, she was a nun.

North Carolina

Company: Joanne Agnes Barton
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Durham
Address: 5 Upchurch Circle
Phone: 9194891225
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