Target Contests
Consumer Report


Received this text message today, 11/22, on my Verizon phone.

"Your entry last month has WON! Go to and enter your winning code 74893 to claim your FREE $1000 Target gift card within 24hrs."

Read the scam and did not go to the website.instead am attempting to complete this complaint form but I am typing now just to try to reach the 200 character minimum. Why does there need to be a minimum? Am almost ready to abandon my attempt to add to the reports on this scam.

Company: Target Contests
Country: USA
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Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report